Trying to figure out what this plant is…? It’s been growing in a pot for 20 years.

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It sounds like you have a long-time green companion! Based on the photo, this plant looks like it could be a type of Dracaena or possibly a Hosta.

May be an image of tree

Dracaena: Dracaenas are popular houseplants known for their long, strappy leaves that often feature green and white or yellow stripes. They are hardy and can live for many years, thriving in a range of indoor conditions.

Hosta: Hostas are also known for their lush foliage, which can come in various shades of green, often with variegated patterns. They are typically grown outdoors but can also be cultivated in pots.

Given that it’s been growing in a pot for 20 years, it is likely quite hardy and well-adapted to its environment. If you could share more specific details about the plant, such as the shape of the leaves, growth patterns, or any flowering characteristics, it might be easier to narrow it down further.

In the meantime, here’s a quick comparison to help identify it:


  • Leaves: Long, narrow, and sometimes variegated.
  • Growth: Can grow quite tall with a tree-like structure over time.
  • Environment: Prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate low light.


  • Leaves: Broad, heart-shaped, and often variegated.
  • Growth: Generally forms a low clump and spreads outwards.
  • Environment: Prefers shade to partial shade and moist, well-drained soil.

If you have a more detailed photo or additional information about the plant’s characteristics, it could help in providing a more accurate identification!

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