The Compilation of Times from Schitt’s Creek Laughably out of touch was the Rose family.

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The Rose family’s fall from grace began when their money-hungry business manager landed them in financial trouble, costing them their homes, wealth, and luxurious lifestyle. Their only remaining asset was the small town of Schitt’s Creek, so the family moved from their mansion to a modest motel in the middle of nowhere.

Used to a completely different way of life than the townspeople of Schitt’s Creek, the Roses often found themselves hilariously out of touch and, at times, unintentionally insulting. From their fashion choices to their behavior, fitting in proved to be a challenge throughout their time in the town.

In the episode “Tailgate Party,” the Roses were still new to Schitt’s Creek, and Alexis was desperate to make out with someone and post it online to make her ex-boyfriend jealous. When Stevie invited her to a tailgate party, it quickly became clear that Alexis had no idea what to expect.

While everyone else showed up in jeans and t-shirts, Alexis arrived in a glamorous but impractical little black dress. David, too, was out of his element, not even knowing how to shotgun a beer. The two siblings stood out like sore thumbs, with Alexis unfazed by the attention while David looked mortified.

Cafe Tropical was one of the few dining options in Schitt’s Creek, and the Roses were taken aback during their first visit by the expansive menu and the stark contrast to the upscale restaurants they were used to.

Some of the show’s most memorable scenes took place at Cafe Tropical, where Johnny often brainstormed his next moves and Moira would brood. Alexis, unsure about the food, was frequently seen sipping “surprise me” smoothies or just drinking hot water. The Roses, always dressed in formal attire, were noticeably out of place in the casual diner setting.

When David began working at the Blouse Barn, owner Wendy gave him free rein to redesign the store and bring in clothes he thought people would want to wear.

While David proved to be a hard worker, he was completely out of touch when it came to the business side of things. He started buying luxury items for his room using the store’s money, claiming he was writing it all off as tax deductions. This led to one of David’s best moments in Schitt’s Creek, where Johnny had to step in and explain what a tax write-off actually is. David, in over his head, mistakenly thought he would be reimbursed—but had no idea by whom.

When the Roses first arrived at the motel, they were shocked by its appearance and amenities. From the decor to the smell, nothing made sense to them, highlighting just how far they had fallen from their previous life of luxury.

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