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The Most and Least Realistic Storylines of Schitt’s Creek


Schitt’s Creek has become one of the most beloved and acclaimed shows in recent years, capturing audiences with its blend of heartfelt moments and sharp comedy. The Canadian sitcom made history with its Emmy-winning final season and won over countless fans thanks to its mix of touching storylines and laugh-out-loud humor.

Like many great sitcoms, Schitt’s Creek found its humor in a wide variety of storylines. Some of these were highly relatable and grounded in reality, while others pushed the boundaries of believability. The show consistently delivered big laughs, though not every aspect of the story was equally realistic.

One of the show’s most praised elements was its authentic and candid portrayal of pansexuality, primarily through the character of David Rose. Throughout the series, David is shown in romantic relationships with both men and women, offering a rare and honest depiction of pansexuality on a major television series.

A particularly memorable scene involves David and Stevie discussing their romantic preferences using a metaphor about wine. David explains that he enjoys “red wine,” “white wine,” and all kinds of wine, before ultimately revealing, “I like the wine, not the label.”

At first glance, the premise of Schitt’s Creek might suggest a lighthearted, goofy sitcom. Indeed, the show’s setup—where a wealthy family loses everything and is forced to live in a small town they once bought as a joke—stretches the limits of plausibility. However, the series quickly proves to be much more than just its premise.

Much of the show centers on the Rose family’s struggles after their fall from grace. The humor often arises from their attempts to adjust their lavish lifestyles to the more modest setting of Schitt’s Creek. Yet, there are also poignant moments that remind viewers of all they’ve lost.

After years of living in the upper echelons of society, the Roses find themselves abandoned by those they once considered friends. This sense of isolation from their former social circles is a sadly realistic consequence for those who experience a drastic change in fortune.

The show’s title, Schitt’s Creek, might initially cause some to roll their eyes, and in its early episodes, the series leans into the absurdity of the town’s name for comedic effect. For example, the episode focusing on the town’s welcome sign sees Johnny horrified by its awkward depiction, while the rest of the town fails to see any issue. While funny, this storyline leans more into the cartoonish than the realistic.

One of the most compelling aspects of the show is how losing everything and moving to Schitt’s Creek leads each member of the Rose family to grow in their own way. Alexis Rose, in particular, undergoes one of the most believable transformations. Initially introduced as a spoiled young adult who has always relied on others, Alexis decides to take control of her future by going back to school. Her journey is portrayed not as glamorous or triumphant, but as a small, dignified step in the right direction.

Twyla, the friendly waitress at the town’s café, is one of the show’s memorable supporting characters. Throughout most of the series, she keeps to herself and helps out wherever she can, without revealing much about her own life. Then, in the final season, Twyla casually mentions that she won the lottery years ago and is actually a millionaire. This last-minute revelation feels out of place, offering an easy resolution that seems inconsistent with what we’ve come to know about her character.

The show is filled with charming romances, one of the most endearing being between Alexis and Ted. Although they initially seem mismatched and their early relationship is rocky, they eventually become a strong and loving couple. However, in the final season, their paths diverge, and they realize that while they’ve helped each other grow, they must go their separate ways. It’s a bittersweet but realistic ending to their relationship, reflecting how life often unfolds.

When the Rose family first arrives in Schitt’s Creek, they find themselves staying in a run-down motel. Over the course of the series, they make this motel their home, and Johnny teams up with Stevie to transform it into a respectable and successful business. This storyline, like many others in the show, blends humor with heartfelt moments, capturing the essence of what makes Schitt’s Creek so special.

Schitt’s Creek Revival? Eugene Levy Says It’s on the Table—And We’re Already Packing Our Bags!


Hold onto your wigs, darlings, because Eugene Levy just dropped the kind of news that has every Schitt’s Creek fan jumping out of their seat! In a recent interview, the comedy legend hinted that the doors aren’t entirely closed on our beloved Rose family. Yep, you heard that right—Schitt’s Creek might just make a glorious comeback!

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For those of us who have spent countless hours quoting Moira’s bizarrely brilliant vocabulary, swooning over David and Patrick’s love story, or simply cackling at Johnny’s endless patience with his eccentric family, this news is like an unexpected lottery win. The show wrapped up in 2020, leaving us all in a puddle of emotions, but now, there’s a glimmer of hope that we might revisit the quirky town and its unforgettable residents.

Even if it’s just a one-off Christmas special, can you imagine the holiday chaos with the Roses? Twyla serving up some “interesting” seasonal dishes, Alexis attempting to turn the town’s Christmas pageant into a Broadway-worthy event, and Moira delighting (or terrifying) us with her caroling? We’re already giddy just thinking about it.

While nothing is set in stone yet, the mere possibility of Schitt’s Creek returning to our screens has us all on the edge of our seats. So, let’s all light a candle (or, in true Moira fashion, a very expensive scented one) and keep our fingers crossed that this beloved show makes a fabulous comeback. After all, as Moira would say, “One must champion oneself and say, ‘I am ready for this!’”

Sarcastic but lovable Schitt’s Creek Quotations From David Rose


Schitt’s Creek may only have one season left, but it’s safe to say the show has had an incredible run. Fans might feel a bit sad about its impending conclusion, but they can all agree that the series has delivered plenty of laughs and heartwarming moments. While the main characters are often over-the-top, they’ve grown and evolved over time, making viewers deeply invested in their journeys. One of the most compelling storylines has been David’s, as he gradually becomes more open and less cynical.

David’s growth has been a joy to watch, but one thing that has remained consistent is his sharp humor. We’ve put together a list of some of David’s best sarcastic yet endearing quotes.

Updated on January 8th, 2021 by Kristen Palamara: Schitt’s Creek has recently wrapped up its sixth and final season, but the characters and their memorable dialogue remain as iconic as ever. The entire cast delivers hilarious and lovable quotes throughout the show, but David Rose stands out for his perfectly sarcastic wit. Though his remarks are often biting, they’re also some of the most lovable lines in the series. We’ve added five more of David’s sarcastic-but-lovable quotes to this list because, when it comes to his sharp humor, there can never be enough.

David is easily swayed by good food, especially pizza. When Johnny calls the kids to celebrate with a single pizza, David’s immediate reaction is to compare sharing one pizza among four people to the plight of Les Misérables. His dramatic response is classic David.

In another memorable moment, Moira enlists David’s help to recreate an enchilada recipe she hasn’t made in years. When she instructs him to “fold in the cheese,” David exasperatedly claims he has no idea what that means. As Moira continues to repeat the instruction, David finally snaps, shouting that she should just fold in the cheese herself.

In a rare sentimental moment, David offers Ted some advice about possibly rekindling his relationship with Alexis. David, known for his self-deprecating humor, gives genuinely caring and insightful advice, reminding Ted that even though he’s been hurt in the past, it’s worth trying again. His words come from the heart, showing a softer side to his sarcasm.

One of David’s most iconic lines comes from the pilot episode when he asks Stevie for a towel multiple times—thrice, to be exact. Using the word “thrice” instead of simply saying “three times” is a very David choice, adding an extra layer of humor and sarcasm to his frustration.

When Moira is told she’s not very approachable by the townspeople during her Council campaign, David tries to comfort her with his trademark sarcasm. He points out that, of course, she’s unapproachable, but he frames it as if it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Moira initially agrees, only to realize that David is actually saying she is, indeed, unapproachable—just in a charming way.

David and Patrick’s relationship is one of the sweetest in the show. Patrick helps David become more comfortable with himself and more open to his emotions. Despite their deep connection, they also have playful moments where they tease each other. In one instance, after Patrick refuses David’s help, David, in typical fashion, has a sarcastic comment ready. While he’s undoubtedly supportive, his humor is always at the forefront.

The Rose family isn’t your typical sitcom family. Moira and Johnny Rose haven’t always been the best parents, but their time in Schitt’s Creek has forced them to become more focused on family. However, they still struggle with parental duties at times. David, in one of his classic quips, reminds his mother that her supportiveness has often been lacking—a moment that’s both funny and revealing of their complex family dynamics.

Schitt’s Creek: David Rose’s Growth Throughout the Series


Earlier this month, Dan Levy (David Rose) was spotted supporting his former Schitt’s Creek co-star Noah Reid (Patrick Brewer) at the opening of Reid’s Broadway play, The Minutes. Fans of the show were thrilled to see the former on-screen couple back together, showing support for one another.

Throughout Schitt’s Creek, David Rose experienced significant growth as a man, partner, and son, largely due to the influence of Stevie Budd and Patrick. Initially hesitant to step out of his comfort zone, David eventually embraced new experiences, formed lasting friendships, and even started a business in the small town of Schitt’s Creek. His evolution over the series was remarkable.

One of the most significant ways David matured was in his role as a supportive family member. He was one of the first to secure a job in Schitt’s Creek, helping to alleviate the family’s financial struggles. Later, David took a bold step by opening Rose Apothecary without relying on his parents for financial support. Though the success of the store sometimes puzzled fans (where were all the customers?), David made it work.

Despite being soulmates, David and Patrick faced a challenging moment in their relationship when David encouraged Patrick to explore his sexuality before committing to him. Knowing that he was Patrick’s first gay experience, David didn’t want Patrick to settle if he had any doubts. When a customer named Ken asked Patrick out, David, though heartbroken, encouraged Patrick to go on the date. This selfless act demonstrated David’s growth, showing that he genuinely wanted what was best for Patrick.

As Johnny, Moira, and Alexis prepared to leave Schitt’s Creek for new beginnings, David had to consider what was best for his and Patrick’s future. Although David had once loved the idea of returning to New York, he realized by the final season that his old life no longer fulfilled him. Instead of uprooting their lives, David chose to stay in Schitt’s Creek, happily content with continuing to run their business, moving into their new home, and growing as a couple. It was a fitting conclusion to David’s journey on the show.

At the end of the first season, the Roses believed they had found a buyer for the town, which would have provided them with enough money to leave Schitt’s Creek and return to New York or Los Angeles. However, when David realized he had no real friends in New York and that no one could replace the trust he had built with Stevie, he understood that New York wasn’t the right place for him. The sale fell through, giving David more time to deepen his relationships in Schitt’s Creek. His friendship with Stevie became one of the most cherished aspects of the series.

David’s journey also involved overcoming trust issues. Growing up, he often felt neglected—never knowing where Alexis was or if she’d show up, feeling used by his mother for his fashion sense without being truly understood, and missing his father’s presence. Despite his witty and sarcastic demeanor, these issues affected his romantic relationships. When David and Patrick hit a rough patch, David questioned whether he was “damaged goods” and considered ending things. But instead of running away, he took the time to figure out what he truly wanted, demonstrating a newfound maturity.

Even the holiday season became a moment of growth for David. Initially resistant to celebrating Christmas—especially since their past holidays had been bleak—David found himself at odds with Johnny, who was eager to focus on the present and celebrate their family. Despite his reluctance, David eventually caved. He realized that holding on to the past and his angst served no purpose when he was surrounded by loved ones. In the end, David helped his family decorate and celebrate Christmas, marking another step in his journey toward maturity.

Foodie Quotes From Schitt’s Creek That Still Have Reddit Laughing


The recent release of Gilmore Girls: The Official Cookbook by Elena Craig and Kristen Mulrooney has reminded TV fans that there are plenty of official and unofficial cookbooks inspired by their favorite shows available on Amazon. For Schitt’s Creek enthusiasts, there are several cookbooks to explore, such as The Unofficial Schitt’s Creek Cookbook: 365-Days Amazing & Delicious Recipes for Schitt’s Creek Fans by Jeanette Slater. With all the foodie moments at Café Tropical, the show provided plenty of hilarious or awkward scenes involving the Rose family. On Reddit, fans have shared some of their favorite quotes from those scenes.

When discussing memorable food moments from Schitt’s Creek, Redditor One_Juice_9463 mentioned a favorite quote from David Rose: “Mm! Um, and I’ll have a bowl of room temperature hollandaise sauce, please.”

In the episode “Opening Night,” there’s a particularly funny scene at Café Tropical where Johnny is nursing a hangover and only asks Twyla for black coffee and toast. His kids, seeing an opportunity to prank their dad and his delicate stomach, order items like hollandaise sauce and fish just to torment him.

Alexis and David had their fair share of memorable sibling moments, both good and bad. At the start of the series, they were quite distant as siblings, but by the end, they had grown much closer. One scene that stands out is when David invites Alexis to a business meeting with a local cheese curator. After tasting some cheese, Alexis exclaims, “mm, nom-nom, David!” Redditor OldConsideration4349 shared this as one of their favorite scenes, noting how David was mortified by Alexis’ use of “nom-nom,” though fans found it endearing.

Roland is another character who left a lasting impression—though not always in a good way. While he was a helpful resource for the Roses when they first moved to Schitt’s Creek, he also had some truly disgusting food moments that made everyone cringe. Redditor PepperTreeVilla highlighted a particularly memorable scene: “Aside from ‘Fold In The Cheese,’ I love watching Roland dig through the cheese fondue while Johnny and Moira watch in horror.” This scene takes place when the Roses have dinner at the Schitt’s for the first time and are horrified as Roland fishes out a lost piece of bread from the fondue with his fist, only to shove it into his mouth afterward.

As David and Patrick’s relationship evolved, they eventually got engaged and began planning their wedding. Despite the Roses’ financial struggles, everyone wanted David and Patrick to have the wedding of their dreams. Johnny took on the responsibility of paying for the food, but quickly regretted it when he saw how expensive David’s tastes were. Beckd123 found humor in this scene, writing, “It’s when David, Stevie, and Johnny go food tasting for the wedding. That scene cracks me up! David talking about wanting lobster, and Johnny saying, ‘Are we inviting the Vanderbilts?'”

Redditor Thesearemychanclas also enjoyed a classic Moira line: “Twyla, do you think it might be too much of an imposition to ask the chef to whip me up a kifla?”

Moira had just returned from filming the Crows movie in Bosnia, and she came back full of whimsy and excitement. She couldn’t stop talking about her Bosnian experiences, especially the food. It was hilarious to see her order international cuisine at Café Tropical, knowing how limited the menu was. This moment perfectly captured Moira’s tendency to show off her jet-setting lifestyle and added to her reputation as one of the funniest characters on Schitt’s Creek.

While Moira underwent significant character growth throughout the series, David experienced the most profound transformation. By the end, he was the only member of the Rose family who chose to stay in Schitt’s Creek, finally finding a place he could truly call home.

Serene beach retreats: Where nature inspires unforgettable memories


Luxury Beach Destinations

We have the inside track on the most idyllic seaside boltholes, heavenly beach retreats and private islands to visit in May and June. From the Maldives to the Galápagos Islands, we have selected the best luxury beach destinations that are ready to welcome you now, where we can design extraordinary itineraries tailored to you, so get in touch with one of our experts and start planning your next beach vacation without delay.

The Brando Private Beach Villa in The Pacific Islands, luxury beach destinations

The Pacific Islands

Travel to the Pacific Islands to enjoy their seclusion, tranquillity, breathtaking beaches, marine experiences and some of the most idyllic hotels on earth. Set on an island on an emerald lagoon, Four Seasons Resort, Bora Bora, enjoys uninterrupted views of the dramatic peaks of Bora Bora. Home to landscaped gardens, incredible beaches and a colourful coral reef, it is fantastic for families and watersport lovers alike.

“We recommend going scuba-diving with a resident marine biologist and enjoying the rejuvenating treatments on offer at the Te Mahana Spa,” says Penny Buckley, Head of our Asia, the Middle East + Australasia team. “A highlight for us is the service, which is exceptionally good.”

Alternatively, The Brando, on Tetiaroa Private Island in French Polynesia’s Society Islands, is also wonderful. This stunning ocean hideaway has 35 villas with their own pools beside beautiful, pristine shores. There is a huge infinity pool, a tennis court, a library, a fabulous spa and two great restaurants, serving delicious, Polynesian-inspired and French dishes.

The Galápagos Islands

The months of May and June are great months to go to this nature lover’s paradise, as the weather is cooler and the wildlife is very active at this time of year, particularly the birds. We will take you on an incredible island-hopping adventure, taking in some of the prettiest, white-sand beaches, bays and islets in the Galápagos, on one of our favourite expedition yachts: Theory and Origin. Chartering a boat is an unbeatable way of exploring these biodiverse isles and getting friends and family together again. It is also a very good way of ensuring total privacy on your vacation.

“The Galápagos is one of the world’s most exciting destinations for complete immersion in the natural world. With only 10 cabins, we love Origin and Theory for the abundance of space and comfort onboard and their profoundly knowledgeable and passionate guides,” says Jenny Wilkinson, Head of our Central+South America team. We can secure you a fantastic 25% off private charters on these two boats from May to November.

The Maldives

If you’re searching for utter peace and paradise, nothing beats the powdery beaches, gin-clear waters and vibrant coral reefs and marine life of the Maldives. Each glorious retreat is its own private island, with its own appeal, and our Destination Experts know them back to front so can select the best one for you. Some of our favourite boltholes include Six Senses Laamu, Baros, Vakkaru, Kudadoo, Constance Moofushi and Soneva Fushi. The latter has amazing private villas, which sleep from two to 20 people and have huge pools and plenty of space. Wherever you’re staying, we can organise unforgettable experiences for you, such as a surprise picnic on a deserted sand bank, stargazing with an astronomist or scuba-diving with a marine conservationist.

Some of our favourite retreats include North Island – an otherworldly spot for those looking for a Robinson Crusoe vibe combined with decadence and unparalleled service – the glamorous Four Seasons Resort Seychelles at Desroches Island, the wildlife-rich Fregate Island and the stylish Six Senses Zil Pasyon on Félicité Island, famous for its oceanfront spa. Each island has its own personality and allure, and our Destination Experts know them inside out and will match the right one to your taste.

Mexico‘s magnificent Pacific coast – one of our luxury beach destinations, for surfing and other adventures – and the country’s sublime Caribbean shores, home to chalk-white beaches and warm, crystal-clear waters. We can suggest some outstanding, small hotels, including an off-grid escape at Las Alamandas, tucked away on the wild Pacific coastline, and Hotel Esencia, Jashita and Chablé Maroma on the Mayan Riviera. We also have access to a superb selection of carefully handpicked private houses and villas on both coasts, so you can have a heavenly Mexican home from home all to yourselves.

Amanyara, on the north coast of Providenciales, or COMO Parrot Cay, set on its own private island and with lovely beach villas with their own butlers, pools and direct access to the sea. Here, we can arrange for you to go stand-up paddleboarding through the mangroves, scuba-diving and island-hopping.

Reaching for the Sky: The Ukrainian Spirit


My tallest sunflower is measuring 25 feet, 2 inches. The official USA record is 24’ 9”. Once the head fully matures, we will do an official measurement to set a new record for the tallest sunflower ever grown in US history. I compost a TON, grow everything organic, and the soil is very rich with micro life! As someone originally from Ukraine, we named the flower the Ukrainian Spirit 🇺🇦.

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Credit: Alex Babich 🌻🌱 #TallestSunflower #OrganicGardening #UkrainianSpirit #RecordBreaking

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Meet the Garden Monarch: Name Suggestions Needed!


This majestic feline rules over my garden kingdom with grace and style. 🌿👑 As the undisputed king of this lush paradise, he needs a name that befits his regal presence. Any suggestions? 🖤🐱 #GardenKing #MajesticCat #NameMyCat

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Blooming Generosity: A Morning of Free Flowers


This morning, I set out some flowers that I grew and arranged, and they were all snatched up in just 30 minutes! 🌸🌿

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It seems like the neighborhood can’t get enough of these blooms. I guess I’ll have to prepare more next time to share the love. 🌼❤️ #FlowerPower #GardenGifts #FreeFlowers #CommunityLove

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Why Does Schitt’s Creek Take So Long to Make You Love It?


Many viewers of Schitt’s Creek often describe it as a “slow burner,” and there are several reasons why it takes time for the show to truly captivate its audience. The story begins with the formerly wealthy and spoiled Rose family losing everything and being forced to move to Schitt’s Creek, a small, insignificant town that is their only remaining asset. Over six seasons, the Rose family’s journey is as moving as it is entertaining, and the show has garnered widespread love from its audience.

Schitt’s Creek centers around the Rose family, who come from a life of extreme wealth and privilege. Their relocation to Schitt’s Creek highlights just how out of touch they are with the real world as they interact with the town’s residents, such as the eccentric mayor Roland (Chris Elliott) and the down-to-earth Stevie (Emily Hampshire). These townsfolk lead lives that are vastly different from the Roses’ formerly privileged existence. A significant part of the characters’ development in Schitt’s Creek is the mutual learning experience between the Roses and the people of the town, making the show unique in how it balances and evolves each character.

However, many dedicated viewers note that Schitt’s Creek takes some time to become truly engaging, with most pointing to the end of the second season as a turning point. One reason for this is that the Rose family members are deliberately unrelatable in the first two seasons. Audiences initially connect more with characters like Stevie, who often mocks the Roses for their unrealistic expectations and disconnect from the working class. As each Rose family member starts to find their place in the town—such as David (Dan Levy) opening his own store, “Rose Apothecary”—they begin to experience positive changes because they’ve grown and earned it. It’s at this point that the Roses become more likable, and the audience begins to root for them.

The show achieves this transformation by skillfully pairing each Rose family member with a town resident who initially seems to be their polar opposite, but ultimately balances them out and makes them more endearing. For instance, Alexis (whose most iconic character trait was improvised by Annie Murphy) develops a relationship with Ted (Dustin Milligan), David bonds with Patrick (Noah Reid), Johnny (Eugene Levy) forms a partnership with Stevie, and Moira (Catherine O’Hara) connects with Jocelyn (Jennifer Robertson). These relationships, initially resisted by at least one party, grow into genuine and authentic connections. Relatability is a huge part of the show’s appeal, and viewers come to relate to the highs and lows of each character’s relationships with the others.

While many consider the second season to be the turning point for Schitt’s Creek, the Rose family continues to evolve throughout the entire series. Much of the credit for this transformation goes to Dan Levy, who took on the role of sole showrunner at the beginning of season 2. His creative leadership and responsibility for lead writing are significant reasons why the audience’s love for Schitt’s Creek deepens starting in season 2.

What are these rainbow berries


These vibrant and colorful berries are known as Porcelain Berries (Ampelopsis brevipedunculata). They are often found climbing on fences and trees, displaying a range of colors from turquoise to purple.

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“Nature’s hidden gems: the mesmerizing Porcelain Berries, painting the greenery with their stunning array of colors. 🍇🌈 #NatureArt #GardenTreasures #PorcelainBerries”

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“Meet our new garden guardian, napping among the hydrangeas! 🌸😴 #CatNaps #GardenLife #PlantLover”

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Stunning backyard landscaping ideas to transform your space into a personal paradise


Use a garden motιf to creɑte a speciaƖ sitting nooк in your bɑckyard. Aɾrɑnge pavers in a flower patteɾn to distιnguish the stamens where tҺe fuɾniture will be ρlaced and the petals wҺere reaƖ fƖowers wilƖ be planted.

In cɑse the nook is close to the Һouse, ᴜse the same materιal to create a connecting walkway.

Even the smallest bɑckyɑrd can become a parɑdise offeɾιng natuɾal beauty mixed witҺ contemporaɾy comfort if you utiƖιze the space smartly. Extend the porch with a deck ρƖatform wheɾe ɑdditional sιtting furnitᴜre can be placed.

Make a stone walkwɑy to lead to an outdoor fireplace for barbeque. Edge the outdooɾ space with a garden witҺ seɑsonaƖ flowers to mɑke sure tҺɑt the coƖors and scents fιll out tҺe air all summer.

Create a sᴜmmeɾ house in your own backyard to enjoy your own propeɾty’s natᴜrɑl landscɑpe ɑnd fresh aiɾ regardless of tҺe weɑther.

The covered design will keep yoᴜ safe from ɾain and wind and the sᴜn on the Һottest days.

ʋia Rich Saundeɾs

Create a point of ιnterest in the backyɑrd Ƅy formιng ɑ welƖ-maintained garden bed.

Repurpose contaιners to cɾeate non-expected effects thɑt will attract attention.

Include a multifunctional gadget for your Ƅackyard idea. This barrel with floweɾs is more than a rustic beauty. It suρρorts an umbrella thɑt can be moved to cɾeate shade as needed.

This is an easy ɑnd affoɾdable backyard DIY thɑt can spruce up the outdoor comfort of peoρle that renters and don’t want to inʋest much.

This ρond looks liкe a natural creɑtion. Thιs effect is ɑchieved Ƅy the stacked stones and the carved design in the ground. It can be surrounded Ƅy nɑtιʋe plants to enҺɑnce tҺe authentic wildlιfe looк.

Anotheɾ landscaping design can folƖow tҺe rock stone garden plant variety with cascading ρƖants.

Make connections between tҺe zones in the Ƅacкyard witҺ reclɑimed materiɑls. That cɑn be pallet slats, ɾocks, cerɑmic pieces aɾrɑnged ιn a mosɑic ρattern.

This element wilƖ not only make stepping on tҺe ground safer ɑnd on the clean sιde Ƅut will also ҺeƖp to create a generaƖ orgɑnized Ɩook of the backyard.

viɑ Countɾy Liʋιng

If you have ɑ large lawn, why not make ιt more entertɑinment-friendƖy by buildιng a fιɾeριt zone?

There are mɑny DIY ideas about tҺe garden desιgns ɑnd the mɑteɾιals you can use to maкe it yourself. Suɾɾound tҺe fιɾe pit with chɑirs or a bench.

ʋiɑ Design My Yaɾd

Mɑke tҺe nigҺts oᴜtdoors ιnviting by addιng string lights to tҺe pergoƖa or to tҺe tree bɾɑnches. The string ligҺts will set a romantic ɑnd dreamy mood for two to enjoy outside or will add a fun element for a party out ιn the fresh ɑiɾ.

The strιng lights are inexpensive so consider addιng them eʋen to your modern bacкyard for a versatile look.

Organize the sitting furnιtᴜre set ɑroᴜnd a firepit. Instead of ɑ table, use the extended edges of the over-the-ground fιɾe ρit for pƖacing drinкs and why not meals.

When the fire is not set dᴜɾing the day, enjoy tҺe natural Ƅeauty of a maintɑined garden Ƅed. At night, ligҺt it up to feel the warmth and aρρeɑling coziness of the firepit.

via Aldeɾ Group

Want this charming country garden effect for youɾ backyɑɾd ideɑ?

The ρrιnciples ɑre simρle- cover every spare ιnch of the eartҺ with herƄs, flowers, trees. TҺe aim is to create a garden thɑt Ɩooks liкe it has ρƖanted itself.

You wilƖ Ƅe enjoying a nature-inspired landscape witҺ a mixture of colors and textures.

via OF Design

The pɑthwɑys are ɑn important part of the outdoor garden design. They connect zones and create an oɾgɑnized look of the proρeɾty.

TҺeɾe are DIY pɑthway ideas that are bᴜdget-friendƖy ɑnd ᴜnique. Log slices are among the eco-friendly materials foɾ building chaɾming oᴜtdoor floorιng.

ʋia Viʋɑ Decora

Creɑte ɑ bold gɑrden bed wιth bɾight-colored flowers. Arɾange them in an inteɾesting pattern using matching in coƖor plants and mulch for a drɑstic contrast.

Foɾ more ideɑs of breath-tɑking pink fƖowers, cҺeck tҺe list below.

The sloρed Ƅacкyaɾds mɑy be a chɑllenge for landscaρing. Use the natᴜraƖ ascent foɾ cascading ιn heιght arɾangements wιth stones and greens.

Thus, tҺe backyaɾd wιll feɑture many focal points ɑnd a unique energizιng feeƖ.

Create ɑ shaded nook for aƖl-day-long outdoor relaxing Ƅy buιlding a peɾgolɑ oɾ ɑnother shading feɑtᴜre. If you want to have ɑ garden bed close to the pergola, choose flowers that ɑre shɑde-frιendly.

Cover the ground with stones and pebbles to Һelp tҺe dɾɑinɑge, to stop weed growth and to make the connectιon with wιldlife stɾongeɾ.

viɑ Design My Yɑɾd

Whether a ρond, a fountain or a swimming pooƖ, tҺe wateɾ feature has the ability to maкe tҺe modern Ƅɑcкyɑrd unique and welcoming.

The wateɾfall ιs ρreferred Ƅy ρeoρle with small yards who want to enjoy the murmur of wɑteɾ. Suɾɾound it with native plɑnts ɑnd flower ρots to make it look more nɑtural.

Make the lɑmp posts of youɾ backyard more functιonal by placing tҺem into ƄarreƖ planters. TҺe ρosts sᴜpport string lights that outline the patio wιth a fiɾepit.

To each post, a wrought ιron Ƅracket is screwed to Һand wonderfᴜl flowering Ƅasкets.

via I Should be Mopping The Floor

Quotes From Schitt’s Creek Show That David and Patrick Are a Perfect Match


David and Patrick from Schitt’s Creek are one of the sweetest couples on television, with a heartwarming love story that captures the essence of a perfect relationship. Despite their differences, they complement each other beautifully, bringing out the best in one another.

What sets them apart from other couples is the sheer healthiness of their relationship. Patrick helps David come out of his shell without being pushy, while David supports Patrick in discovering his true desires. Their relationship is a match made in heaven, and these quotes highlight why they are perfect for each other.

In the season 4 episode “Girls’ Night,” David and Patrick are still in the early stages of dating. While David is teasing Patrick about his shoes, he accidentally refers to them as his “boyfriend’s shoes.” Patrick catches this slip and teasingly asks David about it, then casually refers to David as his boyfriend. Though David denies having said it, Patrick doesn’t push him, understanding that David isn’t one to easily express his feelings but knows that David truly cares for him.

In “Open Mic,” Patrick dedicates a romantic Tina Turner song to David during an event at their store, expressing how much David means to him in front of everyone. Patrick isn’t shy about showing his feelings publicly, making it one of the most romantic gestures in the entire series. David is clearly swept off his feet, as are the viewers.

When Patrick’s ex-fiancée shows up in “The Barbecue,” David becomes upset. Patrick reassures him sweetly, admitting that he never felt right with her, even when they were engaged. Patrick tells David that he is the first person who has ever made him feel truly right, highlighting how David helped Patrick discover his sexuality and true desires. Rather than being scared of this new territory, Patrick openly lays his heart out for David.

Their first “I love you” wasn’t a grand romantic confession because Patrick knew that’s not what David would want. In the episode “Singles Week,” Patrick tells David he loves him, adding that David is his “Mariah Carey,” fully aware of how much David adores her. This personal and thoughtful approach has a much greater impact on David than a simple “I love you,” proving that their love is deep and genuine, without the need for constant romantic gestures.

“Meet the Parents” is a standout episode for Patrick, as he comes out to his parents in season 5. However, it also features some touching moments between David and Patrick. When Patrick is nervous about coming out, David reassures him, saying that whatever happens, they will face it together. This line gives Patrick the strength to reveal his truth, showing the depth of their bond.

The proposal scene in “The Hike” is unforgettable for every fan of the show. Patrick’s speech is heartwarming, but the line that stands out most is when David asks if Patrick is sure about marrying him, and Patrick replies, “easiest decision of my life.” This moment confirms that they are truly soulmates, and that their relationship is the best thing that has happened to both of them.

Finally, in the season 6 episode “Moira Rosé,” Johnny attempts to give Patrick “the talk” before his wedding to David. But before he can finish, Patrick reassures him with the exact words any father would want to hear. This moment solidifies Patrick’s place in the Rose family. He understands how close David is to his family and knows that they are an important part of his life, making it clear that he plans to embrace them as part of his life too.

The Compilation of Times from Schitt’s Creek Laughably out of touch was the Rose family.


The Rose family’s fall from grace began when their money-hungry business manager landed them in financial trouble, costing them their homes, wealth, and luxurious lifestyle. Their only remaining asset was the small town of Schitt’s Creek, so the family moved from their mansion to a modest motel in the middle of nowhere.

Used to a completely different way of life than the townspeople of Schitt’s Creek, the Roses often found themselves hilariously out of touch and, at times, unintentionally insulting. From their fashion choices to their behavior, fitting in proved to be a challenge throughout their time in the town.

In the episode “Tailgate Party,” the Roses were still new to Schitt’s Creek, and Alexis was desperate to make out with someone and post it online to make her ex-boyfriend jealous. When Stevie invited her to a tailgate party, it quickly became clear that Alexis had no idea what to expect.

While everyone else showed up in jeans and t-shirts, Alexis arrived in a glamorous but impractical little black dress. David, too, was out of his element, not even knowing how to shotgun a beer. The two siblings stood out like sore thumbs, with Alexis unfazed by the attention while David looked mortified.

Cafe Tropical was one of the few dining options in Schitt’s Creek, and the Roses were taken aback during their first visit by the expansive menu and the stark contrast to the upscale restaurants they were used to.

Some of the show’s most memorable scenes took place at Cafe Tropical, where Johnny often brainstormed his next moves and Moira would brood. Alexis, unsure about the food, was frequently seen sipping “surprise me” smoothies or just drinking hot water. The Roses, always dressed in formal attire, were noticeably out of place in the casual diner setting.

When David began working at the Blouse Barn, owner Wendy gave him free rein to redesign the store and bring in clothes he thought people would want to wear.

While David proved to be a hard worker, he was completely out of touch when it came to the business side of things. He started buying luxury items for his room using the store’s money, claiming he was writing it all off as tax deductions. This led to one of David’s best moments in Schitt’s Creek, where Johnny had to step in and explain what a tax write-off actually is. David, in over his head, mistakenly thought he would be reimbursed—but had no idea by whom.

When the Roses first arrived at the motel, they were shocked by its appearance and amenities. From the decor to the smell, nothing made sense to them, highlighting just how far they had fallen from their previous life of luxury.

The best garden landscaping ideas for beautiful outdoor spaces


Get inspired by gorgeous gardens and landscaping elements like lush greenery, floral arrangements, pathways and seating areas. Find garden landscaping ideas for backyards both big and small.


Your quest for garden landscaping ideas ends here! Whether you have a sprawling backyard or a small front yard, transforming your outdoor space is a delightful adventure waiting to unfold. From lush greenery to captivating floral arrangements, from charming pathways to cosy seating nooks, join us as we explore the endless possibilities of creating your own personal Eden right at home.

How do I landscape my garden at home?

Get ready to unleash your inner artist and transform your backyard into a masterpiece

Landscaping your garden at home is like painting a masterpiece on nature’s canvas! First, envision your garden’s vibe—are you going for a tranquil zen retreat or a vibrant floral explosion? Next, get your hands dirty (literally!) by prepping the soil—mix in some compost for extra plant TLC.

Now, the fun part: pick your green buddies! From elegant roses to funky succulents, the plant kingdom is your oyster. Don’t forget to play with heights and textures for that wow factor. Spice things up with pathways winding through your green haven, adding a touch of whimsy. And finally, sprinkle some fairy dust with twinkling lights or quirky garden gnomes for that extra dose of charm. Read on below for more ideas on how to turn your backyard into a paradise straight out of a storybook!

Garden landscaping ideas #1: Bonfire bliss

Cosy up and stargaze your night away

Gather around the crackling flames in your very own bonfire area! Toast marshmallows, share stories, and create memories in this cosy corner of your garden retreat.

Garden landscaping ideas #2: Lawn carpeting

Kick off your shoes and embrace the grass between your toes

Roll out the green carpet with lush lawns that invite barefoot frolics and impromptu picnics, complementing your garden bed design for a harmonious outdoor retreat. Let your worries fade away as you bask in the natural splendour of your verdant oasis, where the garden bed design blends seamlessly with the lush surroundings.

Garden landscaping ideas #3: Garden fountain design

Level up your backyard vibes with our fountain centrepiece!

Welcome the soothing sound of trickling water with a fountain centrepiece, incorporating creative garden fountain design ideas into your outdoor haven. You can also use lighting designs to further enhance the beauty of the garden fountain design. It’s like having a private oasis right in your backyard!

Garden landscaping ideas #4: Flower garden bed design

Unleash the flower power!

Paint your garden with a riot of colours in your very own flower garden. From delicate daisies to majestic sunflowers, watch as your blooms burst into life and fill the air with their sweet fragrance.

Garden landscaping ideas #5: Walkway path

Talk about taking the scenic route

To ensure that you and your guests don’t step on your beloved plants, throw in a walkway and admire the beauty of your garden. With a winding walkway path, your morning walks just got a whole lot better!

Garden landscaping ideas #6: Sculpture safari

  • garden andscaping ideas sculptures
  • sculpture garden andscaping ideas
Let the sculptures steal the show!

Turn your garden into an outdoor art gallery with captivating garden sculptures. From whimsical gnomes to majestic statues, let these unique pieces add character and charm to your outdoor space.

Also Read: A Non-artist’s Guide to Buying Artwork for Home Decor

Garden landscaping ideas #7: Cosy seating area

Time to whip out the cheese platter!

Cosy up in your very own seating area, complete with comfy chairs and plush cushions. It’s the perfect spot to unwind, read a book, or simply soak in the serenity around you.

Also Read: 7 Design Tips For A Flawless Garden Seating Area

Garden landscaping ideas #8: Pebble playground

Let’s craft the perfect pebble paradise

Embrace the zen vibes with a pebble-lined pathway or a decorative pebble garden. Let the smooth stones soothe your senses as you wander through your peaceful paradise.

Garden landscaping ideas #9: Zen zone

Next stop: Relaxation Central!

If you’re looking for backyard garden design ideas, here’s a great one. Create a serene sanctuary with plenty of plants, soothing rock arrangements, and raked sand patterns that invite meditation and reflection. Let the gentle rustle of bamboo and the soft trickle of a miniature waterfall transport you to a place of zen bliss.

Garden landscaping ideas #10: Swing ‘n’ sway haven

It’s time to swing, sway, and let the stress melt away!

Escape to a world of relaxation with swings and hammocks set up amidst the greenery. Surrender to the gentle rhythm as you swing and sway, letting the lush foliage cradle you in nature’s embrace.

Garden landscaping ideas #11: Herb garden

Get ready to dig in and dish out deliciousness from your herb garden!

Satisfy your green thumb and taste buds with a herb garden for your kitchen bursting with fresh herbs and veggies. Harvest your ingredients and elevate your culinary creations to delicious new heights.

Garden landscaping ideas #12: Koi pond

Add a touch of zen to your backyard retreat

Here’s another great addition to the list of backyard garden design ideas: A Koi pond. Koi is a Japanese breed of fish known for their vibrant colours and soothing movements. Whether you’re looking for a pop of colour in your garden or just want some entertainment that’s both calming and cool, these Koi pals have got you covered!

Garden landscaping ideas #13: Gazebo getaway

Carve your own little slice of paradise with a gazebo

Escape the hustle and bustle in your own private sanctuary with a charming gazebo. Whether for quiet reflection or lively gatherings, it’s the perfect spot to unwind and recharge.

Garden landscaping ideas #14: Charming fence

Adding a pinch of privacy to your garden

When you are deciding on your fence, take into consideration the overall aesthetics of the garden. Use sturdy materials to keep trespassers away but give it a coat of white to make it charming!

Garden landscaping ideas #15: Luminary landscape

Let there be light!

Transform your garden into a magical wonderland with plenty of lights twinkling among the foliage, bringing your backyard garden design ideas to life in a dazzling display of nighttime splendour. From fairy lights to lanterns, let your garden glow with enchantment after dark.

Also Read: Great Ways to Light Up Your Garden

Garden landscaping ideas #16: Wicker wonderland

Wicker up your garden game and let the cosiness commence!

When it comes to outdoor furniture, wicker is the ultimate choice. It doesn’t just bring a rustic and cosy feel to your garden, but its weather-resistant nature makes it the perfect pick for your garden getaway. So grab your favourite book and a fruity drink, and let the wicker wow you into a state of pure bliss!

Garden landscaping ideas #17: Unique garden decorations

Time to spice up your garden game with a dash of personality and a sprinkle of charm!

Infuse your garden with personality and charm with unique decorations that reflect your style and interests. From calming wind chimes to colourful planters, let your imagination run wild!

Garden landscaping ideas #18: Perennial flowers

Year-round flower fiesta, anyone?

Fill your garden with the beauty of perennial flowers that bloom year after year. It’s like having a never-ending bouquet to brighten your days and lift your spirits.

Garden landscaping ideas #19: Canopy walkway

It’s the perfect setting for a romantic rendezvous!

Add a touch of romance with a canopy pathway draped in lush greenery. Let the foliage create a magical tunnel as you walk hand in hand with nature.

Garden landscaping ideas #20: Climbing creepers

Talk about a picture-perfect paradise!

Bring your garden to life with climbing creepers that add vertical interest and vibrant colour. Watch as they weave their way up trellises and arbours, creating a living tapestry of beauty. Also, how beautiful is this backyard with its garden fountain design?

Garden landscaping ideas #21: Vertical gardens

Reach for the sky with vertical garden wonders!

Maximise your space with vertical gardens that turn walls and fences into lush green canvases. It’s a stunning way to bring the beauty of nature to new heights.

Garden landscaping ideas #22: Majestic hedges

Let’s get creative and turn those hedges into works of art!

Whether you opt for tall hedges that bring you privacy or short decoratives that line your walkway, hedges can add buckets of charm to your eloquent garden. You can also add some fun to the space by pruning them into different shapes and figures!

Garden landscaping ideas #23: Colourful elements

Blooming and booming with bursts of vibrant colours

Make a statement with pops of vibrant colour scattered throughout your garden. From bold flowerbeds to bright accents like planters, let your garden be a celebration of hues.

Garden landscaping ideas #24: Bonsai bonanza

Embrace the ancient art of Japanese gardening

Embrace the art of bonsai with miniature trees that add a touch of elegance and serenity to your garden. It’s a living masterpiece that evolves with time and care.

Garden landscaping ideas #25: Greenhouse garden

Calling all the green thumbs!

Extend your gardening season and cultivate exotic plants with a greenhouse sanctuary. It’s the perfect spot to nurture your green thumb and escape into a world of botanical wonders.

Garden landscaping ideas #26: Artistic arches

Step through arches draped in cascading flowers and let the magic unfold

Create a grand entrance with arches draped in cascading flowers or climbing vines. Let them be the gateway to your garden paradise, inviting exploration and enchantment. Plus, they make for great backdrops to your tasteful soirees!

Garden landscaping ideas #27: Bougainvillaea beauty

Let’s paint the town (or at least the garden) pink with bougainvillaea blooms!

Drape your garden in the vibrant hues of bougainvillaea, adding a tropical touch to your outdoor oasis. Let their bold blossoms paint your garden with shades of joy and vitality.

Garden landscaping ideas #28: Balcony botanicals

Don’t let limited space cramp your green dreams!

These days, having a spacious front yard or backyard in an urban setting is a rarity. However, you can always use your balcony or terrace to create a green sanctuary. To learn more about how you can turn your balcony and terrace into a garden, check out our balcony garden ideas and terrace garden ideas.

How can Livspace help you?

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If you want beautiful interiors for your home, then look no further. Book an online consultation with Livspace today.

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Quotes Proving Moira Is A Good Mother


Though the final season of Schitt’s Creek aired in 2020, fans continue to re-watch this comforting show over and over again. Not only is it a hilarious sitcom with relatable characters and the interesting premise of millionaires losing their money, but it delves into emotional themes of relationships—romantic, platonic, and familial.

While Moira Rose often seems disinterested in what’s happening with her children, David and Alexis know that she cares for them in her own unique and oddly-phrased way. Over the course of six seasons, Moira and the Roses grow as individuals and connect as a family, giving Moira ample opportunity to prove she’s a good mother.

When they first arrive in Schitt’s Creek, the Roses are emotionally distant and unsure of their standing. While they definitely care for each other, they are incapable of properly expressing it until moving to “this little town in the middle of nowhere” helps them grow and find a better life.

In the season 2 finale, Johnny and Moira are surprised by old friends, which helps them accept their life in this town and leads them to finally tell their children they love them. While Moira needed some encouragement from Johnny, she was working up to expressing just how much she loves her children before they danced the night away.

Moira’s relationship with Alexis has been more tumultuous than with David. After going back to school and getting a degree in PR, Alexis starts her own company and pitches a singles’ event for Schitt’s Creek’s arts and culture grant.

This “mother-daughter power team” creates an incredible week-long event, but just as it starts, Jocelyn goes into labor, leaving Alexis on her own. To Moira’s surprise, Alexis is more than capable of chairing the event, and like any great parent, Moira is big enough to apologize to her daughter for doubting her.

With David being an iconic pansexual character, Moira often failed to stay updated with his “sexual exploits” until his relationship with Patrick. Engaged as of the final episodes in season 5, planning the wedding left David little time for anything else.

However, Moira steals him away from Patrick to sample Herb Ertlinger’s fruit wines. After finally finding a worthy wine, she toasts his upcoming wedding and imparts motherly and “marital sagacity.” Moira is wholly accepting of her son and reminds him how loved he is as they spend “a whole day together with nary a care in the world.”

Uncharacteristically emotional throughout the ceremony, Moira manages to pull herself together by their first kiss as husband and husband. Clinging to Johnny as they leave the town hall, Moira utters a heartfelt quote with mascara tears, proving how much she’s changed over six seasons as a mother and a person.

Dan Levy discusses a prospective Schitt’s Creek reunion years after the sad finale


Dan Levy has opened up about the possibility of a Schitt’s Creek reunion, three years after the show’s emotional finale.

The sitcom followed the iconic Rose family, who lost their entire fortune and were forced to start anew in their one remaining asset – a small town that patriarch Johnny Rose (Eugene Levy) had previously purchased as a joke.

The family, including mom Moira Rose (Catherine O’Hara) and daughter Alexis (Annie Murphy), settled down and made Schitt’s Creek their home, with the series concluding after an incredible six-season run.

While appearing on the red carpet for his new film, Good Grief, Dan was asked about the potential for a Schitt’s Creek reunion.

‘I love the fact that people want more, but it has to surpass what we’ve done, and that’s a tough thing to do,’ the David Rose actor told E! News. ‘So until the idea comes to me, who knows? But if it means people go back and watch the show from the beginning, it’s not a bad thing.’

If that’s a hint for everyone to binge-watch the show again, we’ll take it.

Dan isn’t the only cast member who has talked about returning to Schitt’s Creek for another adventure. Earlier this year, his dad, Eugene – who also played his on-screen father in the series – reflected on the show’s success and the possibility of a film.

‘It was a great run, and the way it worked out, where we hit our stride, our peak right at the end of the series with a record-breaking Emmy night, was much better than if the show had hit big in its first or second season,’ he said while on This Morning.

‘We’ve said we’re always keeping things open, and Daniel himself has said it really depends on the idea for what it is, because whatever it is, it has to elevate itself from where we left off to where we’re going to pick up. It has to keep moving up. When we hit that idea, would we love to do it again? Yes. Would we love to get back together with the cast again? Absolutely.’

Catherine O’Hara, the star of Schitt’s Creek, is joining the cast of The Last of Us.


Catherine O’Hara is trading her comedic roots for a post-apocalyptic drama as she joins the cast of The Last of Us season 2. According to Variety, O’Hara has been cast in an undisclosed role. Speculation about O’Hara’s involvement began after she appeared on Watch What Happens Live alongside her Argylle co-star Bryan Cranston earlier in January. When a fan asked if she would appear in the series, O’Hara responded, “How do you know these things?” before confirming that she was in talks.

Prior to Variety’s confirmation, Entertainment Weekly reported that the Schitt’s Creek star would be taking on a newly created part rather than a character from the original video games.

O’Hara is best known to ’90s kids for her role in Home Alone and for voicing Sally in Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas. More recently, she had audiences laughing with her portrayal of Moira Rose in the CBC comedy Schitt’s Creek. If she joins The Last of Us, it could be her most serious role to date.

The cast for season 2 is shaping up well, with series veterans Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey reprising their roles as Joel and Ellie. They will be joined by newcomers Kaitlyn Dever as Abby, Isabela Merced as Dina (Ellie’s love interest), and Young Mazino as Jesse, one of Ellie’s close friends and Dina’s ex-boyfriend.

The Last of Us season 2 will premiere on HBO in 2025. For more, check out our list of the best new TV shows coming your way in 2024 and beyond.

‘Schitt’s Creek’ reunion: Eugene and Dan Levy might host the 2024 Emmys!


Eugene and Daniel Levy, the creators of the acclaimed comedy series Schitt’s Creek, are reportedly in discussions to host the 76th Emmy Awards. The event is scheduled for September 15 at the Peacock Theater in downtown Los Angeles.

Although talks are ongoing, sources indicate that a final agreement has not yet been reached. The ceremony will be broadcast on ABC.

In 2020, the Levys made Emmy history as the first father-son duo to win in the same year. Now, they are poised to potentially become the first father-son team to host this prestigious event. The pair have previously co-presented at award ceremonies, including the 2020 SAG Awards, and have jointly guest-hosted The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

Schitt’s Creek, which aired for six seasons on CBC, featured the Levys playing father and son. The final season in 2020 received 15 Emmy nominations, winning awards for outstanding comedy series, writing, directing, and supporting actor for Dan. Since Schitt’s Creek, Dan has written, directed, produced, and starred in Netflix’s Good Grief. He also appeared in Jerry Seinfeld’s Unfrosted and the final seasons of Curb Your Enthusiasm and Sex Education.

Eugene is known for his roles in films such as A Mighty Wind, Waiting for Guffman, and American Pie. Currently, he hosts the Emmy-nominated travel series The Reluctant Traveler on Apple TV+, which has been nominated for Outstanding Hosted Nonfiction Series and Outstanding Writing For a Nonfiction Program. Additionally, he has joined the cast of Hulu’s Only Murders in the Building for its fourth season.

Treпdiпg Froпt Yard Laпdscapiпg Ideas to Wow Yoυr Neighbors


Front yard landscaping ideas are the fastest and most effective way to freshen up your home’s curb appeal. Having a front yard is definitely something to appreciate and to take advantage of.

12 Functional Front Yard Ideas that Add Livable (and Beautiful) Square Footage | Yardzen

The front yard is like a magical garden through which guests have to walk before reaching you and it’s an amazing opportunity to use it to your advantage.

You can give it a stunning landscape if you use natural materials along with rocks and a variety of plants.

Obviously, the possible yard landscaping ideas are unlimited. You can opt for something simple such as a nice beautiful green lawn with colorful flowers on the side or for mini gardens along the pathway. Also, you might want to consider a water feature because they are distinctive and calming.

 Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) 


Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

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This vibrant, eye-catching flower is known for its large, showy blooms with distinct, swirling petals. The intense red and white color pattern creates a striking, almost hypnotic appearance, making it a standout addition to any garden or landscape.

Light: Full sun to partial shade.
Water: Consistent watering, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged.
Soil: Well-draining, nutrient-rich soil.
Temp: 60-90°F (15-32°C).
Humidity: Moderate to high.
Fertilizer: Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season.

Hibiscus is a tropical plant that thrives in warm climates and adds a touch of exotic flair to gardens. Its vibrant, dynamic blooms make it a popular choice for adding color and visual interest to any outdoor space. With proper care, this stunning flower can bring a flourish of beauty and elegance throughout the growing season.

Pink Banana Leaf (Ensete ‘Maurelii’)


🌺 Pink Banana Leaf (Ensete ‘Maurelii’) 🌺

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Transform your garden into a tropical paradise with the stunning Pink Banana Leaf! These oversized tropical leaves create a bold, eye-catching focal point, featuring vibrant, neon pink hues that add a striking flair to any landscape.

Plant Care Tips:

  • Light: Thrives in full sun to partial shade.
  • Water: Keep the soil consistently moist but avoid waterlogging.
  • Soil: Prefers rich, well-draining soil.
  • Temperature: Ideal range is 65-90°F (18-32°C).
  • Humidity: Moderate to high humidity levels are best.
  • Fertilizer: Apply a balanced liquid or slow-release fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season.

With its massive, vividly colored leaves, the Pink Banana Leaf is a true statement plant. It transforms any garden or outdoor space into a tropical oasis, providing a mesmerizing, almost unreal visual effect. Add bold, dramatic tropical style to your garden today! 🌺✨

#PinkBananaLeaf #TropicalGarden #GardenInspiration #TropicalPlants #EnseteMaurelii #GardenBeauty #PlantCare

Feel free to share this vibrant beauty on your social media to showcase the tropical charm of your garden!

Rainbow Sunflower (Helianthus annuus ‘Rainbow’)


Meet the breathtaking Rainbow Sunflower, a vibrant addition to any garden with its multicolored petals that create a stunning visual display. Here’s how to care for this beautiful bloom:

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Light: Full sun.
Water: Moderate; allow the soil to dry out between waterings.
Soil: Well-draining, fertile soil.
Temperature: 70-78°F (21-26°C).
Humidity: Moderate.
Fertilizer: Use a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer monthly during the growing season.

Ideal for adding a burst of color and joy to any garden, the Rainbow Sunflower is sure to capture attention and bring a smile to all who see it!

#RainbowSunflower #GardenJoy #MulticoloredBeauty #HelianthusAnnuus #FlowerCare #GardeningTips

Found in Ventura, CA. Anyone know what this is?


Mystery Plant in Ventura, CA

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During a recent exploration in Ventura, CA, I stumbled upon a fascinating plant that caught my eye. Its unique structure, with small, star-shaped yellow flowers nestled in vibrant green, cup-like bracts, immediately drew me in. The plant’s intricate design, almost like a natural work of art, piqued my curiosity.

Identifying Features:

  • Leaves and Bracts: The plant features green, cup-shaped bracts that house tiny yellow flowers. The leaves are also green and seem to grow in clusters.
  • Flowers: Small, yellow, star-shaped flowers that appear in the center of the bracts.
  • Growth Pattern: It grows close to the ground, forming a dense cluster of greenery.


  • Found in: Ventura, California
  • Habitat: The plant was discovered in a grassy area, suggesting it may prefer well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight.

If anyone can identify this intriguing plant, please share your knowledge. Any insights into its name, species, or interesting facts about it would be greatly appreciated!

#VenturaCA #PlantIdentification #NatureFind #Botany #CaliforniaFlora

Create your own unique desert oasis with these easy landscaping ideas


A Backyard is Transformed into a Family-Friendly Desert Oasis - Phoenix  Home & Garden

1. Patches of color


The bursts of color in this long flower bed really liven up the path. While mixed colors have their own merit, the patches of red and yellow offer an eye-pleasing view.

2. Cute round bushes


While you can embrace your inner Edward Scissorhands and create sculpted bushes in many shapes, consider investing in shrubbery that naturally grows “round,” like these suggested by SF Gate. They’ll still need regular trimming, but not as much.

3. A hedge of hostas


Hostas are beautiful in flowerbeds, gardens, and yards. They are an easy landscaping element to use and don’t need a whole lot of care to keep them looking gorgeous.

4. Add a rocky path


There are many ways to use rocks and stones in landscaping. This rickety-looking stone stair path gives the yard a whimsical, yet somewhat rustic, look.

5. Go wild with the bushes


Bushes are a great way to add color to your yard. They also add shade, depending on how big they get. A collection of multiple types of bushes in varying colors, like this one, adds a creative look to the space and fills in emptiness.

6. Mix and match rocks


When using stones and rocks in your yard, you don’t have to use all the same colors or styles. The combination of gray rocks next to the brown and gray mix in this image shows how gorgeous mixing and matching can be.

7. Cool slim trees

Kyryl Gorlov/iStock

If you’re looking for a cool, smooth aesthetic with simple landscaping, a line of evergreens like this one looks nice. You’ll need to trim them once in a while, but there’s not much other upkeep on a job like this.

8. Single pops of color


Sometimes it’s the simplest designs that make the most impact when you’re landscaping your lawn. The bursts of a single color in this garden offer an eye-catching sight without being too busy.

9. Light up the little things

Ryhor Bruyeu/iStock

Lighting isn’t a necessary part of landscaping, but it can add to the serene aesthetic of your yard’s look. The little solar lights used along this path highlight the pretty greenery.

10. Watery wet wonderland


If you have a pond in your yard or are putting one in, plants will be an important aspect of landscaping. Lily pads add whimsey, while long grasses give a wetlands vibe.

11. Classic color combinations


Complementary colors like purple and yellow look gorgeous together, while the orange and yellow mix of family colors feels natural. The bright colors make the white flowers pop as well.

12. Clever groupings


The clever groupings of plants in this yard are pleasing to the eye. They stick with greens, yellows, whites, and pinks to make things not too busy.

13. Bushy grasses


Puffy grasses give the yard a natural fancy look while keeping things earthy. Grasses are pretty easy to grow as long as you pick the right ones for your growing zone. The USDA has a plant hardiness map to check when you’re shopping for flowers, shrubs, trees, and more.

14. No flowers needed

Elmar Langle/iStock

You can design a stunning yard without flowers. Greenery and the right gardening mulch can make for a beautiful sight and is just colorful enough.

15. Hedge your bets


Hedges and other various bushes make lawns look neat and tidy, as long as you’re keeping up on trimming. A lawn this nice looking needs a lot of upkeep and fresh mulch every year.

16. A rainbow of colors


You don’t have to stick with only one or two flower colors when you start working on your gardens. Consider picking something from each color of the rainbow and beyond, like in this garden.

17. Brightening white fences


Plain old white picket fences are pretty, but they’re enhanced by the right landscaping around them. These purple flowers and pink roses make the perfect partners in this yard.

18. Mixing greens


Even if you opt out of planting a bunch of flowers in your lawn, you can still opt for color variety. Pick green plants in various hues.

19. Make more of your tree space


If you have lots of trees in your yard, use the space around them as something more than somewhere only the weedwhacker can reach. Create beautiful flower beds, and do a little less mowing.

20. Keep it simple


Some simple greenery, a freshly cut lawn, stones, and some bunny décor make this a relaxing yard to hang out in. No need for flowers, it’s colorful enough.

21. Singularly simple

Meindert van der Haven/iStock

You don’t have to fill up flower beds with tons of plants and flowers. Keep it simple when you want. This yucca plant looks beautiful in solitude.

22. Lovely layers


Use the space you have as best as you can. This home doesn’t have a huge front lawn, but the layered look of the landscaping makes it look bigger and uncluttered.

23. Pretty in pink


The pink flowers really stand out in this flower bed. Blend colors, but pick something bright as a focal point.

24. Gather succulents


Succulents are pretty easy to care for, and they’ll grow in the most amazing places. Whether you’re container gardening or you want to cover an ugly dead tree stump in your yard, this is a great way to do it.

25. This garden rocks

PC Photography/iStock

Even if you don’t have a green thumb, you can still get the most out of your yard space with some neat rock formations. This rock garden has a little greenery strewn throughout to catch the eye.

26. Creative pots


Sometimes landscaping requires a little ingenuity. If you don’t have a lawn ready for planting, you can create a potted oasis. Not all pots need to be round, either!

27. A touch of color


Even if you prefer your oasis to look a little more desert-like, you can add some flowering brush plants that will give your grays, whites, and greens a little burst of color from time to time.

28. Vary your raised beds

Studio Light and Shade/iStock

Not all raised beds need to be at the same height. The three different heights, with some plants at ground level, give this space an artistic look.

29. Circular path markers


There are so many ways you can turn your backyard into a relaxing oasis, and this is definitely one of them. The circular path adds something fun and whimsical to this quiet space.

30. Brighten up a dull yard


Even the dullest rocky landscapes can find joy in colors. The yellow flowers of this groundcover highlight the gray path in a way that almost feels “happy.”

31. Cultivated corners


Be brave and play with the spaces you have in your yard. This landscaping layout uses some of the sharper corners as space for gorgeous collections of colors and greenery while leaving plenty of lush grass to enjoy.

32. Broken pathways


While the well is surely the focal point of this backyard, the broken stone pathway adds a delightful feel to the well-manicured space.

33. Breathtaking patterns

Vadym Terelyuk/iStock

While there is already an art to landscaping, you can make it even more artistic by creating beautiful paintings in your flower beds.

34. Create a small green oasis


This gorgeous stone patio looks like the perfect place for a BBQ or summer dance party. Whether you’re relaxing or getting your groove on, the little island of plants is sure to bring a smile to your face.

35. The perfect pond


If you have the space in your yard and the money to invest, a lovely pond like this will bring much peace and serenity.

Why It Would Be Much Worse Than You Think If There Was An Alexis Prequel


Although there’s been a growing desire for a Schitt’s Creek prequel focusing on Alexis Rose’s teenage years since the season 6 finale, such a series would ultimately be detrimental to the characters. Schitt’s Creek’s finale bid farewell to the beloved Rose family and their friends and neighbors, but the demand for spinoffs, movies, or sequels hasn’t ceased. Given the outlandish history of the Rose family frequently alluded to throughout the series, as well as the finale setting up exciting futures for each character, there seems to be plenty more story for co-creator Dan Levy to tell.

Following the series finale, the idea of a potential movie floated around, but David Rose actor Dan Levy said it would take a premise too good to pass up for him to return to the characters. Nonetheless, the wishes for a spinoff or movie have been growing, with one of the most popular ideas being a prequel series about the misadventures of Annie Murphy’s character, Alexis Rose. Each Rose family member had their quirks related to the past, often used by the show to demonstrate how much they’d grown. Alexis’ quirk was constantly telling wild, presumably true stories from her young adult years—from being held hostage in a Thai drug lord’s car to dating numerous celebrities. Alexis’ unrestricted youth became more concerning with every story she told.

While the story arcs of every Schitt’s Creek character wrapped up nicely in the series finale, there were still different adventures the series could have launched afterward. However, an Alexis Rose prequel about the misadventures of her youth wouldn’t be as captivating as it seems at first glance. Instead, a Schitt’s Creek Alexis prequel would contradict the entire point of the original series with no emotional or developmental payoff.

The desire for an Alexis Rose spinoff prequel series truly began after she auditioned for the Cabaret musical in season 5. When Alexis auditioned, she sang the theme song to her brief reality TV series, A Little Bit Alexis, which was a hilarious bit perfect for the character and led many to wonder what this reality show would have actually looked like. The abundance of jaw-dropping stories that Alexis tells about her adventures as a teenager and young adult could fill different episodes of a series by themselves, made more bizarre when realizing that her family had little to no idea that she experienced any of these events. Schitt’s Creek also featured an episode where a few of her friends from her rich past passed through town, with many believing that these girls would make perfect characters alongside Alexis in a prequel series. However, while Alexis’ stories are fantastical and fans demand to see them on screen, putting this era of her life into a series wouldn’t be as fun as it sounds.

The stories of Alexis’ youth are one of the best running gags in Schitt’s Creek, but they wouldn’t make for a successful prequel series. For starters, the Rose family that audiences came to know and love wouldn’t be the same characters during this time frame – they barely knew each other as people, let alone as a family. The charm of Schitt’s Creek lies in seeing a family become a family when the “kids,” David and Alexis, are in their 30s. The Rose family would be nonexistent during an Alexis prequel. Perhaps there could be a David cameo where he sends Alexis money or tries to help her while he’s at home worried sick, but, ultimately, a Schitt’s Creek prequel series would be sad.

Not only would Johnny, Moira, and David be strangers to Alexis during a prequel series, but she would also be making the terrible personal mistakes that she spends all of Schitt’s Creek learning from. Alexis would have no personal growth during a prequel, as all of this development takes place over the course of Schitt’s Creek’s six seasons. The humility and self-love that Alexis learns would be entirely absent in a series about her youth. Instead, each misadventure or poor decision with men that she makes would just leave audience members screaming at their TVs that she has a great life waiting for her once the Roses lose their money and move to Schitt’s Creek. Since the Roses demonstrate that money can’t buy happiness, a prequel series would simply explore the sadness of their lives before they learned to be a family. This would make for a series with no emotional payoff for its main character, even if it presented the opportunity to see a few of Alexis’ hilarious global misadventures or dates with celebrities.

Schitt’s Creek already showed what a prequel series would look like during the season 4 episode “Merry Christmas, Johnny Rose.” The episode featured flashbacks to the Roses’ extravagant Christmas parties back in their old mansion, filled with luxury suits, champagne, piano performances by Paul Shaffer, and a variety of their wealthy acquaintances. While Moira looked back on them fondly, Johnny viewed them with sadness, realizing they meant nothing

aside from flaunting their wealth. At the end of the night, Johnny would be left standing alone while Moira took her sleeping pills and went upstairs, with Alexis and David having already left long before without saying goodbye.

The Schitt’s Creek Christmas flashback episode proved that as fun as it might be to see the Roses when they were still rich and influential, a prequel series would ultimately be a tragic look at these characters before they grew into better versions of themselves. The uplifting emotional core and incredible character growth of Schitt’s Creek would be missing in an Alexis Rose prequel, as all of the crazy nights and near-death experiences would stem from the emptiness of the Rose family’s lives during this time. The Roses would not be nearly as compelling or lovable during a prequel series as they are without their money, living as a cohesive family in Schitt’s Creek.

How to grow hydrangeas – when, where and how to plant and care for them

how to grow hydrangeas in a white scheme

If you are wondering how to grow hydrangeas, you are not alone because these hardy shrubs that flower from mid-summer to fall have seen a real resurgence in popularity over the past decade.

Flowering shrubs are again championed and valued for their use in flower bed ideas, with hydrangeas a clear favorite for their sheer variety, reliability and large blooms ranging from cream and pink to bold blues, reds and purples.

Hydrangeas are brilliant for bringing bursts of summer color to the garden, plus they make a lovely cut flower. They are easy to grow, are tolerant of most soils, including clay, grow in sun or semi-shade, can be planted in borders or containers and require little maintenance. So what’s not to love about them?

Once you know when to plant hydrangeas and how to grow them, you will be able to enjoy the blooms of these shrubby stalwarts from July into October.

How to grow hydrangeas – the different types

How to grow hydrangeas

(Image credit: Future)

The first thing to consider when learning how to grow hydrangeas is which type you want to grow, as there are two main types: shrubby and climbing.

Shrubby hydrangeas – blooming from around July – September, shrubby hydrangeas are among the flowering shrubs that are great for adding mid to late-summer color and structure to garden borders, but can also be grown in pots.

They are characterized by their large flower heads, which can either be domed or flattened in form. The domed ‘mophead’ hydrangeas consist of many tightly packed flower while the flattened ‘lacecap’ types have rings of large, pointed petals surrounding a cluster of tiny flowers.

The important thing to note about the mophead variety of hydrangea is that the colour of the flowers will vary according to the pH of your soil. The plant can have pink flowers in alkaline soil, red flowers in neutral soils and blue flowers in acid soils. It is possible to control the color of the blooms by adjusting the pH of the soi.

hydrangeas in a border

(Image credit: Future)

Climbing hydrangeas – like shrubby hydrangeas, climbing hydrangeas do not mind semi-shade so are good choices as shrubs for shade, for growing up east and north-facing walls, fences or buildings. However, there are some varieties that prefer full sun. They have delicate lacy white flowers which bloom from July – August. Hydrangea anomala petiolaris is a popular variety with a RHS Award of Garden Merit.

With over 70 species of hydrangea, there are compact varieties and ones with scented flowers or fall foliage, and even varieties that flower twice on old and new wood.

Where to grow hydrangeas

white, pink and blue hydrangeas growing in garden beds

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

Hydrangeas grow best in well-drained soil, in a protected, dappled shady spot. They prefer sun in the morning with some shade in the afternoon.

South-facing positions are best avoided, and protect young growth from spring frosts. Most soil types are suitable, keeping in mind that the pH will change the color – less than 5.5 for blue, over 6.5 gives pink, between 5.5 and 6.5 purple.

They do not do well in dry soils, so choose a position with moist, fertile soil – to help the soil retain moisture the soil can be enhanced with garden compost or a well-rotted manure.

‘Hydrangeas like reliable moisture in the summer, so don’t plant them in a dry position. Their new shoots are frost tender, so avoid frost pockets, and if your garden experiences drought in summer, plant them in semi-shade. People seem to forget they are happy in shaded conditions and when growing hydrangeas, plant them in blazing, full sun where they look washed out and drought-stressed in summer,’ says says Matthew Pottage, curator at RHS Wisley.

As they can tolerate some shade, hydrangeas make perfect plants for woodland gardens and north-facing garden ideas.

How to plant hydrangeas

hydrangeas growing in a mixed garden border

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

If you’re asking yourself ‘should I cut back hydrangeas in the fall’ the answer depends on the type of hydrangeas. However, in general, the best time to plant hydrangeas is in spring or fall.

  • If you are planting a container-grown hydrangea, first dig a hole twice the width of the shrub’s root ball. Before planting you can enhance the soil by digging in organic matter or well rotted compost to the base of the hole to help the ground retain moisture.
  • Before planting, water the hydrangea.
  • Place the plant in the hole. The soil level around the plant should be the same level as the ground – to check you can lay down a bamboo cane.
  • Backfill the planting hole with a mix of soil and organic matter and firm in using your heel to prevent air pockets around the roots and water well.
  • Finally, mulch around the base of the plant to help it retain moisture.
  • Climbing hydrangeas should be planted in the same way but will need planting at least 9 inches (22cm) from a wall, fence or house.

How to grow hydrangeas from cuttings

pale pink, blue and white hydrangea flower heads

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

Like many shrubs, hydrangeas take well grown from cuttings which is a straightforward option if you’re looking for a cost-effective way for how to grow hydrangeas. Cuttings can either be taken as softwood cuttings in late spring, or semi-ripe cuttings in summer.

To take softwood cuttings:

  • Softwood shrub cuttings can be taken from March to August but are best made in spring. Softwood cuttings should be made in the morning
  • Select healthy non-flowering shoots of new growth and using secateurs, cut a section with 3 – 5 pairs of leaves. Seal in a plastic bag and place in a shaded place until they are ready to prepare.
  • Trim off the lower leaves and reduce the cuttings to 3-4 inches (8 -10cm), cutting below a node.
  • Using a pencil as a dibber, make holes in a pot filled with seed compost and insert the cuttings.
  • Water the cuttings and place them in a propagator at 64-70°F / 18-21°C. Alternatively you can seal a polythene back over the top.
  • Once the cuttings have rooted, harden them off and transplant into individual pots. Water, label and keep in a shaded spot to grow on.
  • They can be transplanted into their final position the following spring.

You can also take semi-ripe cuttings. To do this ‘use rooting hormone on a semi-ripe cutting, place it in a pot with propagation mix, keep it warm, and in about 2 weeks, the cutting will develop roots,’ advises Lorraine Ballato, author of Success with Hydrangeas.

‘That sapling then needs to be repotted in potting soil and lightly fertilized regularly to grow it on for about 2 months before it gets planted,’ she adds.

How to grow hydrangeas in a pot

pink hydrangea growing in a pot

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

If you are growing hydrangeas in pots you can manipulate the potting compost for the color you are after – you can even pop them in the container into the garden bed to then fill gaps through summer.

Shrubby hydrangeas grow well in pots and are perfect for bringing an uplifting pop of color as a patio idea in late summer.  Be sure to choose small to medium varieties for growing as container gardening ideas.

Spring and fall are the best times to plant hydrangeas into containers although it can be done at any time of year.

When planting shrubs in pots it is recommended to use loam-based soil rather than a peat-based compost as peat-based composts can dry quicker and contain less nutrients.

How to care for hydrangeas

How to grow hydrangeas

(Image credit: Future)

Once planted, keep hydrangeas watered well in their first season so they don’t wilt. To keep hydrangeas blue only use rainwater. Mulching each spring with manure, compost or leaf-mold will help them thrive, and they don’t need feeding, as this will create leaf growth as opposed to flowers.

While shrubby hydrangeas flower on new season growth, climbing varieties tend to flower on previous season’s growth which means both have different pruning requirements and times for pruning. It is important to learn how to prune hydrangeas and when to prune hydrangeas to keep them looking their best and improve the plant’s vigor.

How to grow hydrangeas from seed

While you can grow hydrangeas from seed it is not recommended, ‘as it takes a few seasons to get the plant to a sizeable specimen,’ explains Lorraine Ballato.

‘Seed germination percentages are low so propagation is best done with cuttings,’ she adds.

‘Further, most of today’s hydrangeas are a cross of two or more varieties. In that case, the seed is not true to the parent. You are more likely – if it germinates – to get one of the parents, not the offspring or the desired plant. On the other hand, some extraordinarily successful “accidents” have resulted in new marketable plants,’ she adds.

Dealing with problems when growing hydrangeas

hydrangea 'Annabelle'

(Image credit: Undefined Undefined/Getty Images)

Frost damage: If new spring growth of the hydrangeas has frost damage, cut it back to just above the first undamaged pair of buds.

Hydrangea scale: This hydrangea disease shows as white, waxy blobs in summer and is best prevented by careful early inspection from spring. Tend plants to keep them as healthy as possible, encouraging predators such as ladybirds, and think carefully about what to plant with hydrangeas to make good companions. If spraying is needed use organic options in July.

Lack of flowers: This is most likely to be because pruning was done at the wrong time, so carefully check the label of the plant you buy.

Pieces bitten out of the leaves: This is a sign of vine weevils, with the white grubs also eating the roots. Check at night when they are most active, catch and squash them. You could also apply a biological control.

How do hydrangeas grow best?

With the wide range of choices and styles available, hydrangeas grow best in a number of situations. They grow beautifully en masse as informal hedging; mixed in borders; all white flowers in a classical scheme or to light up a shaded area; as well as in containers, for both town and country gardens.

‘Hydrangeas look fantastic massed in one variety for a stunning result,’ explains Roger Butler, owner of Signature Hydrangeas.

How to grow hydrangeas

(Image credit: Future)

Are hydrangeas easy to grow?

Hydrangeas are easy to grow and need little attention and you are bound to find an array of options that are ideal to grace your garden and also make striking cut flowers.

For beginners, ‘Paniculata are easy to grow and more tolerant; you can’t go wrong with them,’ suggests Roger Butler.

‘Most hydrangeas are very easy, which is why they are so brilliant – but H. macrophylla and H. paniculata and all their cultivars are vey easy,’ says Matthew Pottage of RHS Wisley.

The Schitt’s Creek Running Gag Shows Moira’s Greatest Distinction From The Roses


Moira’s subtle running gag about ordering products is a fun quirk of her Schitt’s Creek character, but it also highlights her biggest difference from the rest of the Rose family. Throughout the series, the Roses transition from riches to rags, becoming more humble and well-rounded individuals. While Alexis, David, and Johnny embrace Schitt’s Creek as their home and adapt to their new lives, Moira notably remains true to who she always was.

Some of the most eye-opening moments in Schitt’s Creek’s six seasons occur when the Roses interact with figures from their past, such as Sebastien Raine, Don and Bev Taylor, or Alexis’ friend Klair (Meaghan Rath). In the season 4 episode “Baby Sprinkle,” Klair and a few of her friends pass through Schitt’s Creek and reunite with Alexis, their appearance highlighting how much Alexis has changed over the series. However, a particularly obnoxious moment from Klair’s visit repeats a humorous habit of Catherine O’Hara’s Moira Rose throughout the series.

While Moira’s most notable gag is her obscure vocabulary and accent, another running joke is her habit of asking for something and then acting like she never ordered it when it’s brought to her. For instance, Moira once asked Patrick Brewer to get her a tea, then changed her mind to a scone; when Patrick returned with the scone and tea, Moira acted as if she never asked for them. This same interaction occurs in season 4 with Klair. At the Café Tropical, Klair asks Twyla for a warm tea, specifying that it must have been “once hot,” then when Twyla brings her the tea, Klair responds that she “didn’t order that.” This subtle connection underscores that Moira hasn’t changed from the socialite cluelessness that Klair exhibits, differentiating her from the rest of the Roses who learn from their past mistakes.

When Klair visits, Alexis feels almost embarrassed by her former friends as reflections of her old self, eventually deciding to never see them again. While Alexis, David, and Johnny develop more humble and socially aware demeanors over the course of Schitt’s Creek, Moira never changes, as she never truly accepts Schitt’s Creek as her home. Moira is always preparing to return to the lavish lifestyle and glamor of the Roses’ former lives, never giving up the socialite habits or social missteps associated with their privileged past.

While the Roses occasionally display social cluelessness reminiscent of their past, Alexis, David, and Johnny have grown disillusioned with their former lifestyles. Alexis’ major turning point comes when Klair visits, David’s when he realizes Stevie is his only friend, and Johnny’s when the Taylors publicly insult Schitt’s Creek. Moira, on the other hand, would never be embarrassed or ashamed of their previous social status, so it’s unsurprising that she continues to engage in clueless mannerisms like pretending not to order something she clearly asked for. Moira remains a strong character who enjoys the townspeople, but unlike the other Roses, it’s clear she was never meant to stay in this small-town life.

Schitt’s Creek Characters’ Most Impractical Outfit Choices, Ranked


The Rose family was completely unprepared for their new life in Schitt’s Creek. From their daily routines to their creature comforts, they seemingly lost everything in their move.

However, they did manage to keep most of their wardrobe, leading to some unfortunate fashion blunders and incredibly impractical outfit choices. While Johnny often wore the same suit, the rest of the family sported some eye-catching outfits that shocked viewers.

In season 1, Johnny and Moira realize their social life is lacking and accept Roland’s invitation to his Hawaiian-themed party. Upon arrival, they realize they misunderstood the dress code.

Everyone else is dressed in Hawaiian shirts, while Moira and Johnny are in all-white suits. The lack of color in Moira and Johnny’s outfits contrasts hilariously with everyone else’s, and the all-white suits are impractical for Roland’s party, where they’re bound to get messy and ruined.

Moira’s outfit choices are often questionable for the task at hand. When she agrees to do a photo shoot in a field, she shows up in a black PVC dress.

The dress is impractical for the weather, and Moira’s movements are limited. Since she needs to move around for the photo shoot, her limited mobility is an issue. Combined with her multi-layered necklace and high-heeled boots, Moira looks ready for a fashion show, not a lengthy photo shoot in a field.

In season 5, David and Patrick go on a romantic hike, and naturally, David picks a fluffy black cardigan to pair with his black pants.

They spend the entire day hiking in the heat, much to David’s annoyance and discomfort. He complains about being sweaty and uncomfortable, but when Patrick gets down on one knee and proposes, David forgets all about his impractical outfit.

During Moira’s run for town council, she attends a candidate breakfast wearing one of her signature over-the-top looks: a glamorous, jaw-dropping gold dress paired with a gold handbag, sunglasses, and lipstick.

While the outfit is certainly eye-catching, it’s not the best choice for a candidate breakfast, as it immediately sets Moira apart from the other candidates she is already struggling to compete with. Her impractical outfit was almost even more dramatic, as she tells Johnny she almost wore a mohawk wig.

In season 5, Moira and Johnny offer to babysit Roland Jr. after finding out they were Jocelyn and Roland’s last choice. Moira’s outfit makes it easy to see why they were the last option.

Dressed head to toe in sequins, she is a walking choking hazard for baby Roland Jr. While it’s not her most impractical choice, it’s still not the smartest outfit for a night of babysitting and watching TV.

In a video starring Moira, aimed at generating more tourists for the town, fans see her in an all-black latex outfit paired with a white wig. Although the video upset the townspeople for many reasons, perhaps the biggest issue was Moira’s outfit.

The Most Significant Ways Schitt’s Creek Advanced Throughout Time


While Schitt’s Creek began as an enjoyable Canadian sitcom, it exploded in popularity and acclaim in its final seasons. It’s not uncommon for great shows to be overlooked initially only to find their audience later, but part of the reason for Schitt’s Creek’s success is that it improved significantly over time.

Many comedy shows need time to find their footing as they introduce various characters and establish their voice. This was true for Schitt’s Creek, which learned from early mistakes and evolved into the beloved series it became.

The premise of a wealthy family moving to a rural town is a classic fish-out-of-water story. Initially, the show seemed to follow a predictable path with the Roses looking down on their “uncultured” new home and the “salt-of-the-earth” townspeople bewildered by their new cosmopolitan neighbors.

However, this could have quickly become tiresome, and the show wisely shifted focus. It stopped being about how small and boring the town was and started to highlight the community and the simplicity of the life there.

When the Roses arrive, David and Stevie form an immediate connection. Despite a rocky start due to their prickly personalities, they discover they have a lot in common, leading to a brief romantic relationship in the first season.

Given the characters’ obvious chemistry, it made sense for the show to explore this. However, the idea was abandoned early in season 2, and they wisely decided to keep David and Stevie as friends. Interestingly, their friendship ended up having a more significant emotional impact.

Schitt’s Creek is filled with memorable characters, but Moira Rose will undoubtedly be remembered as one of television’s best creations. While she was a highlight of season 1, it took the show some time to realize her full potential.

Following the first season, Catherine O’Hara had more opportunities to shine, delivering an iconic comedic performance and creating a uniquely bizarre character that helped the show stand out.

Johnny, the patriarch of the Rose family, often served as the most level-headed member, providing a good balance but limiting his opportunities for fun. It was interesting to see him struggle with no longer being the family’s provider, but he truly hit his stride upon finding a new business venture.

After searching for his next big idea, Johnny begins helping Stevie with the motel and eventually becomes one of the owners. From there, they start building it into a franchise. Seeing Johnny find a purpose really helped his character, and it was a nice touch to have him invest in the place the family called home.

The first season introduced a love triangle involving Alexis. Though she was dating the nice-guy veterinarian Ted, it was clear she had feelings for the rugged Mutt. Initially, the show pushed for Mutt to be Alexis’s true love, but they misread which pairing the audience would prefer.

As the series progressed, it became evident that Ted was a better match for Alexis, leading to a more satisfying and meaningful relationship. This shift further showcased the show’s growth and ability to adapt to what resonated with viewers.

Overall, Schitt’s Creek’s journey from a simple sitcom to a beloved series is a testament to its characters’ evolution and the show’s willingness to learn and grow, ultimately capturing the hearts of its audience.

A Single Behind-the-Scenes Detail Enhances The Schitt’s Creek Finale


The Schitt’s Creek series finale became even more memorable thanks to a heartwarming behind-the-scenes detail. The Canadian sitcom followed the Rose family, who relocated to Schitt’s Creek after losing their fortune, a small town Johnny (Eugene Levy) originally bought as a joke. Over its six-season run, Schitt’s Creek grew in popularity due to its wholesome and heartwarming tone, and the series finale was no exception. The episode “Happy Ending” was praised by critics and won three Primetime Emmys: Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series, Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series, and Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series. The finale was already satisfying, but it becomes even more poignant when you learn about the background behind the final scene.

The finale focused on the wedding between David (Dan Levy) and Patrick (Noah Reid). Despite a series of mishaps, including a rainstorm and the original officiant canceling, the couple eventually has their big day at the town hall, with Moira (Catherine O’Hara) officiating. At the end of the episode, Johnny and Moira leave for California to pursue other career opportunities, but not before an emotional goodbye with David, Patrick, Stevie (Emily Hampshire), and Alexis (Annie Murphy) outside the Rosebud Motel.

Annie Murphy, who won an Emmy for her portrayal of Alexis Rose in Schitt’s Creek season 6, shared behind-the-scenes details about the final scene in an interview. She revealed (via YouTube) that the tears shed during that scene were real: “Those tears are not fake tears, those are very real tears. I think you can just basically see Annie Murphy and Dan Levy and it’s not David and Alexis. It’s the two of us having a real cry.” Dan Levy also mentioned how emotional it was to film the last episode, highlighting the joy of discerning between the emotions of the characters and the actors who play them.

This behind-the-scenes detail enhances the Schitt’s Creek finale by showing the genuine emotional undercurrent behind the main characters’ final interactions. Emily Hampshire mentioned (via Buzzfeed News) that the final scene in “Happy Ending” was the last scene shot for the show. It wasn’t just the characters saying goodbye, but also the cast saying their farewells to each other. The cast’s genuine fondness for each other and emotions about the show’s conclusion make the final scene even more moving. The love that Annie Murphy and Dan Levy have for Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara especially shines through Alexis and David’s goodbyes to their parents. The real emotion makes the ending more meaningful than just actors reacting to a script.

Schitt’s Creek excelled at forging emotional bonds between characters and also managed to bring its cast members closer together. It’s clear that everyone loved each other off-screen, which led to natural tears flowing through the excellent final scene. The Schitt’s Creek series finale is enriched because the cast allowed their genuine emotions to come through.

Schitt’s Creek Theory Proves Moira Had A Reason Not To Love The Town


A compelling theory about Schitt’s Creek suggests that Moira Rose (Catherine O’Hara) would never grow to love the town as her family did, and for a good reason. During their time in Schitt’s Creek, Johnny (Eugene Levy), David (Dan Levy), and Alexis (Annie Murphy) each found connections that made the town more bearable, whether through relationships, friendships, or business ventures. However, Moira appeared to be the least invested in the town.

Despite her flamboyance, Moira reveals her humble beginnings, which might explain her relationship with Schitt’s Creek. In season 1, episode 10, “Honeymoon,” Moira tells Jocelyn that she came from a small town like Schitt’s Creek and was desperate to leave, saying, “I couldn’t wait to get out, I was dying there.” Additionally, in season 2, episode 2, “Family Dinner,” her failed cooking skills make her nostalgic for her self-sufficiency before fame. For Moira, moving to Schitt’s Creek wasn’t a new experience like it was for Johnny, David, and Alexis, which is evident in her lack of connection to the town.

A theory (via Reddit) suggests that Moira had good reason not to love Schitt’s Creek because she had spent her life trying to escape a similar small town. Although she formed some attachments, like with the Jazzagals, she was not as deeply connected as Johnny, David, and Alexis were to their friends. Alexis, in particular, experienced significant personal growth due to her connections. Moira, driven by ambition, likely saw her return to a small town as a regression from her successful life, making it feel like her worst nightmare.

From the beginning of the show, Moira’s relationship with Alexis was strained, to the point where they struggled to have lunch together without planning topics in advance. Alexis’ constant traveling and Moira’s disconnection from her children’s lives contributed to their lack of bonding. However, living in Schitt’s Creek forced Moira and Alexis to confront their distance. Over time, Moira grew closer to Alexis, supporting her by hiring her as a PR manager and adjusting her Jazzagals performance to attend Alexis’ graduation. Their time in Schitt’s Creek helped Moira become more supportive and strengthen her relationship with Alexis.

Although Moira didn’t connect with Schitt’s Creek, her relationship with Alexis shows that she did change and grow as a person. Moira’s past in a small town meant she wasn’t as disconnected from Schitt’s Creek as it seemed. Her disconnection wasn’t due to a lack of personal growth but rather because living in a small town wasn’t a new experience for her. Moira had already escaped a small-town life she didn’t enjoy and was determined not to revert to it. This determination is reflected in her unwavering fashion choices and efforts to maintain her pre-Schitt’s Creek lifestyle.

In conclusion, Moira’s lack of connection to Schitt’s Creek doesn’t reflect negatively on her character. It highlights her unique journey and personal growth that differed from her family’s, rooted in her past experiences and ambitions.


Enchanting Backyard Waterfall Ideas for Your Dream Garden


There is nothing likes better than relaxing while enjoying nature. If you have a backyard garden then you are really lucky, beautiful garden design and good arrangement make us feel at home sitting all day or doing activities with the family.

Creating Tranquil Retreats with Water Feature Designs

To complement the garden ideas do not forget water element which helps you relaxing, and the sound of falling water will create a real harmony. The pond is very supportive to make your garden naturally, but the pond could be more genuine if you add a fountain or waterfall. Waterfall may be seen as one of artificial things, you can work around this by adding a rough stone that will make waterfall look natural and you can make stunning use any form of stairs. Take a look at some dreamy ideas below and start making your own water garden!

My cat needs a name


Your cat looks so cozy and blends perfectly with the rug! How about naming your cat “Cotton”? It’s a cute and fitting name for a fluffy, white cat. Here are a few more suggestions:

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  1. Snowball
  2. Marshmallow
  3. Fluffy
  4. Cloud
  5. Frosty

Hope you find the perfect name for your adorable cat!

Just joined the group. My little garden in Coventry, England


Welcome to the group! Your garden in Coventry is absolutely stunning! The vibrant colors and lush greenery create a beautiful, serene space. Here’s a suggested caption for your lovely garden:

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“Hello everyone! 🌸 Just joined the group and wanted to share a glimpse of my little garden in Coventry, England. 🌿🌺 It’s my peaceful haven filled with colorful blooms and greenery. Looking forward to connecting with fellow garden enthusiasts! #GardenLife #CoventryGarden #FlowerLove”

Purple Elephant Ear (Colocasia esculenta ‘Illustris’)


Purple Elephant Ear (Colocasia esculenta ‘Illustris’)

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Stunning large leaves in striking purple and yellow hues!

Light: Partial shade to full sun.
Water: Keep soil consistently moist.
Soil: Rich, well-draining.
Temp: 65-85°F (18-29°C).
Humidity: High.
Fertilizer: Every 4-6 weeks, balanced 10-10-10.
A dramatic statement plant perfect for adding a tropical vibe to any garden or patio!

is this weed?


Understanding Cannabis Seeds: A Beginner’s Guide

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Cannabis seeds are the starting point for growing your own marijuana plants. These seeds come in various types and require specific conditions to germinate and thrive. Here’s a guide to help you get started with cannabis cultivation.

Types of Cannabis Seeds

  1. Regular Seeds: These seeds can grow into either male or female plants. It’s important to identify and remove male plants early to prevent them from pollinating the females, which can reduce the quality of the buds.
  2. Feminized Seeds: These seeds are bred to produce only female plants, ensuring you get the highest yield of potent buds. They are ideal for beginners who want to avoid the hassle of identifying and removing male plants.
  3. Autoflowering Seeds: These seeds automatically switch from the vegetative stage to the flowering stage with age, regardless of light cycles. They are perfect for novice growers looking for a faster harvest.

Germination Process

  1. Soaking: Start by soaking your seeds in water for 24 hours. This helps to soften the seed coat and encourage germination.
  2. Paper Towel Method: Place the soaked seeds between two moist paper towels, and keep them in a dark, warm place. Check regularly to ensure the towels remain moist.
  3. Planting: Once the seeds sprout and develop a small root, they are ready to be planted in soil or a growing medium.

Growing Conditions

  • Light: Cannabis plants require a lot of light. Indoors, use high-intensity discharge lamps or LED grow lights. Outdoors, ensure the plants get plenty of direct sunlight.
  • Temperature: Maintain a temperature range of 70-85°F (20-30°C) for optimal growth. Avoid extreme temperatures which can stress the plants.
  • Humidity: During the vegetative stage, keep the humidity between 40-70%. Lower it to 40-50% during the flowering stage to prevent mold and mildew.
  • Soil and Nutrients: Use well-draining soil rich in organic matter. Provide the plants with balanced nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, along with micronutrients.


Cannabis plants are typically ready for harvest 8-10 weeks after flowering begins. Look for signs such as the pistils turning brown and the trichomes becoming milky white. Carefully cut the buds and dry them in a dark, cool, and well-ventilated space.

Quotes From Schitt’s Creek Show David Rose Has the Greatest Arc


Moira Rose might be having a moment thanks to The View co-host Sara Haines and her magnificent Halloween costume, but she didn’t experience the same kind of character arc that David Rose did. While all the characters underwent tremendous growth on Schitt’s Creek, David, the misanthrope of the group, was the least comfortable around people, making his development even more impressive.

David longed to be understood and accepted for who he was but often found himself in superficial circles of people who took advantage of him. This changed when he arrived in the quaint, sometimes corny town of Schitt’s Creek. Through the embrace of the community and the dismantling of the wall he’d built around his heart, David began to feel like he belonged, while also repairing the broken connections he had with his family. By the series’ end, his journey culminated in a happily ever after.

When David first arrives in Schitt’s Creek, he wants nothing more than to pull his hoodie over his head and hide from the world. Losing his luxurious home and amenities, he can’t bear the shame of living in a motel shared with his family.

David initially resists connecting with people, but despite his best efforts, he eventually forms a tentative acquaintanceship with the motel’s manager, Stevie. United by their common dislike of most people, they make the best of a miserable situation, proving that misery loves company—until it transforms into true friendship.

The only person David opens up to at first is Stevie, who is the most like him. Candid, introverted, and selective about whom they socialize with, David and Stevie form a close bond because they both want to leave town as quickly as possible.

David might be open with Stevie in ways he isn’t with others in the community, but she pushes his boundaries while still building a foundation of friendship that helps him embrace change. Like the best of friends, Stevie’s unique olive branch helps David take his first step toward growth.

When David first arrives in Schitt’s Creek, he sees himself as a lone wolf, focused on protecting his own mental health and not worrying about anyone else. This mindset leads him to run away to the local Amish community at the slightest provocation.

Eventually, his family shows genuine concern in tracking him down, making him realize that forming closer bonds with them might not be such a bad idea. The trust he develops with those closest to him plants a seed that encourages him to become a more emotionally generous person.

David tries his hand at dating in Schitt’s Creek, but it doesn’t go well. After ending a relationship with Stevie and entering into a throuple with her and someone else, he swears off romance for good. He thinks no one will meet his standards, not considering that he needs to alter his perspective and be more receptive to a different kind of partner.

By pursuing romantic partners in his usual way, David achieves the same results. Once he starts seeing Patrick, he has to change his approach, which makes him nervous and flustered but also excited and hopeful for the future.

Like the rest of the Roses, David has a particular way of viewing the world. Moving to Schitt’s Creek disrupts this, leaving him unable to find his footing at first. He doesn’t trust that people like the chatty and effervescent Jocelyn are genuine in their interactions.

David expects that, like his old friends, the people of Schitt’s Creek only befriend him because they want something, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. He has to understand that sometimes people mean what they say, and projecting mistrust onto them will only close off deeper connections. David’s sarcastic but lovable quotes won’t help him find authentic bonds and only hide his better qualities from potential friends.

Though David pretends not to care what people think, deep down, he wants to be accepted for who he is and not thought of as a hollow urban stereotype. Thankfully, his best friend Stevie takes him at face value. Though she teases him, she acknowledges who he is as a person.

David has lived in a superficial world, far removed from the community of Schitt’s Creek, where a person is valued for their words and deeds rather than their designer clothing or flashy car. While his friends back in the big city might not have taken him seriously, the townspeople of Schitt’s Creek love him for being himself, quirks and all.

David doesn’t think he’s suited for giving romantic advice, but to help his sister and her boyfriend, he makes the effort by going to the vet clinic and having a heart-to-heart with Ted. In this iconic quote, David explains that he’s “been burned so many times” that he resembles a toasted “marshmallow,” and understands Ted’s struggle. Ordinarily, Ted is the one giving advice, but he’s happy to receive it from David.

Before moving to Schitt’s Creek, the Roses kept to themselves. Johnny focused on his business ventures and video stores, Moira planned lavish parties, and Alexis traveled the world with her boyfriend-of-the-week. This led to all of them becoming self-involved, David included, and unlikely to open up to one another.

Black and White Rose (Rosa)


Striking and unique, the Black and White Rose captivates with its dramatic bicolor petals. This rose variety stands out, adding a touch of elegance to any garden or floral arrangement.

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Care Instructions:

  • Light: Prefers full sun to thrive and bloom.
  • Water: Regular watering is essential; keep the soil moist but ensure it is well-drained.
  • Soil: Plant in rich, well-draining soil mixed with organic matter to provide essential nutrients.
  • Temperature: Ideal growing temperatures range between 60-75°F (15-24°C).
  • Humidity: Average humidity levels are sufficient for these roses.
  • Fertilizer: Feed every 4-6 weeks during the growing season for optimal growth and blooming.

Why Choose the Black and White Rose?

  • Adds sophistication and a dramatic flair to gardens and floral displays.
  • Unique color contrast makes it a conversation starter and a standout feature in any setting.
  • Perfect for those looking to create a visually stunning and elegant garden atmosphere.

By incorporating Black and White Roses, you bring an exquisite and refined beauty to your floral collection. Their striking appearance and straightforward care requirements make them a favorite among rose enthusiasts and gardeners alike.