What are these? The Devils testicles? I stepped on one with my bare heel and my life flashed before my eyes.

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What Are These? The Devil’s Testicles?

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I stepped on one of these prickly balls with my bare heel, and I swear my life flashed before my eyes. If you’ve ever encountered these in your yard or on a walk, you know exactly what I mean. These spiky seed pods, often found scattered across lawns and sidewalks, are actually from the sweetgum tree. Known scientifically as Liquidambar styraciflua, these little land mines are infamous for causing sudden and unexpected pain when stepped on.

Why do these seed pods exist, you ask? They’re nature’s way of spreading the sweetgum tree’s seeds, but they’re also a reminder to always watch your step. Their spiky exterior can be a real menace, especially if you’re not wearing shoes.

If you have these trees in your yard, here are a few tips to manage the fallen seed pods:

  1. Rake Regularly: Keep your yard free of these spiky hazards by raking them up frequently.
  2. Mulch Them: Use a lawn mower with a bagging attachment to mulch the seed pods, making them easier to dispose of.
  3. Protect Your Feet: Always wear sturdy shoes when walking in areas where sweetgum trees grow.

Stay safe out there and remember to keep an eye on the ground! Have any sweetgum seed pod stories of your own? Share them in the comments below!

#SweetgumTree #NatureHazards #WatchYourStep #GardeningTips #StaySafe

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