The Schitt’s Creek Running Gag Shows Moira’s Greatest Distinction From The Roses

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Moira’s subtle running gag about ordering products is a fun quirk of her Schitt’s Creek character, but it also highlights her biggest difference from the rest of the Rose family. Throughout the series, the Roses transition from riches to rags, becoming more humble and well-rounded individuals. While Alexis, David, and Johnny embrace Schitt’s Creek as their home and adapt to their new lives, Moira notably remains true to who she always was.

Some of the most eye-opening moments in Schitt’s Creek’s six seasons occur when the Roses interact with figures from their past, such as Sebastien Raine, Don and Bev Taylor, or Alexis’ friend Klair (Meaghan Rath). In the season 4 episode “Baby Sprinkle,” Klair and a few of her friends pass through Schitt’s Creek and reunite with Alexis, their appearance highlighting how much Alexis has changed over the series. However, a particularly obnoxious moment from Klair’s visit repeats a humorous habit of Catherine O’Hara’s Moira Rose throughout the series.

While Moira’s most notable gag is her obscure vocabulary and accent, another running joke is her habit of asking for something and then acting like she never ordered it when it’s brought to her. For instance, Moira once asked Patrick Brewer to get her a tea, then changed her mind to a scone; when Patrick returned with the scone and tea, Moira acted as if she never asked for them. This same interaction occurs in season 4 with Klair. At the Café Tropical, Klair asks Twyla for a warm tea, specifying that it must have been “once hot,” then when Twyla brings her the tea, Klair responds that she “didn’t order that.” This subtle connection underscores that Moira hasn’t changed from the socialite cluelessness that Klair exhibits, differentiating her from the rest of the Roses who learn from their past mistakes.

When Klair visits, Alexis feels almost embarrassed by her former friends as reflections of her old self, eventually deciding to never see them again. While Alexis, David, and Johnny develop more humble and socially aware demeanors over the course of Schitt’s Creek, Moira never changes, as she never truly accepts Schitt’s Creek as her home. Moira is always preparing to return to the lavish lifestyle and glamor of the Roses’ former lives, never giving up the socialite habits or social missteps associated with their privileged past.

While the Roses occasionally display social cluelessness reminiscent of their past, Alexis, David, and Johnny have grown disillusioned with their former lifestyles. Alexis’ major turning point comes when Klair visits, David’s when he realizes Stevie is his only friend, and Johnny’s when the Taylors publicly insult Schitt’s Creek. Moira, on the other hand, would never be embarrassed or ashamed of their previous social status, so it’s unsurprising that she continues to engage in clueless mannerisms like pretending not to order something she clearly asked for. Moira remains a strong character who enjoys the townspeople, but unlike the other Roses, it’s clear she was never meant to stay in this small-town life.

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