Schitt’s Creek: Things from Season 1 That Are Getting Better Over Time

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Schitt’s Creek, a comedy that started quietly but quickly became a massive sensation, is one of the most binge-worthy shows around. Throughout its six-season run, it garnered 178 award nominations and won 65, thanks to its brilliant ensemble cast and crew.

While all six seasons are beloved, many fans consider the first season to be the best. It’s where viewers first meet the Rose family and the quirky residents of Schitt’s Creek, get to know their unique personalities, and watch the relationships that start to form. Some of the show’s most memorable moments happened all the way back in season 1, leaving the audience eager for more.

One of the earliest and funniest moments comes when Johnny Rose, after arriving in the town he once bought as a joke, takes a tour and encounters the town’s welcome sign. The sign, which features two people at the edge of Schitt’s Creek, appears to depict them in a compromising position. Johnny notices this immediately, but the townsfolk seem unfazed. To make matters worse, the town motto, “Where everyone fits in,” is proudly displayed beneath the image. When Johnny expresses his concern, the townies reassure him that the couple on the sign are actually brother and sister and even post a smaller sign to clarify this for everyone. This sign becomes the first in a long line of cultural misunderstandings between the Rose family and the townies throughout the series.

Another memorable moment involves Alexis and her community service. When it’s time for Alexis to complete her hours, Moira fills out the necessary form to document her attendance—but she leaves Alexis’ middle name blank. Alexis calls her out on this, questioning if her mother even knows her middle name. Moira and Johnny start guessing names they think they might have given her—Emma, Anna, Hannah, or Elsbeth—but none are correct. David, meanwhile, is surprised to learn that Alexis even has a middle name and wonders if he has one as well. Moira begins to question their parenting skills. Later in the season, viewers finally learn that Alexis’ middle name is Claire, but this moment is just one of many that highlight the Rose parents’ lack of involvement in their children’s lives.

If there’s anyone who knows the pulse of Schitt’s Creek, it’s Ray Butani. Early on, viewers discover that Ray is the town’s only real estate agent. He shows Johnny around town, including the infamous welcome sign, and helps him attempt to sell the town, though Ray isn’t optimistic, as the government didn’t value it highly when seizing the Rose family’s assets. As the series progresses, it becomes clear that Ray wears many hats—he also works as a photographer, travel agent, Christmas tree salesman, and town council member. Though he can be a bit greedy and tactless at times, Ray is the go-to guy for many of the town’s services, establishing a great running gag throughout the show.

Johnny, ever the businessman, is always on the lookout for opportunities to get his family back on their feet. When he gets interest from a local winery, he and Moira visit Herb Ertlinger Winery. However, they soon discover that Herb is more interested in Moira becoming the spokesperson for his winery and filming some commercials. Herb Ertlinger Winery specializes in fruit wines with unusual descriptions like “musk melon oak Chardonnay” and “dazzling peach crabapple Riesling Rioja.” Though Moira despises the wine, she sees this as her only chance for a comeback. She dons her best wig and high-fashion ensemble, but when it comes time to film, she just can’t get it right. This scene is one of the funniest in the entire show and only gets better with time, much like a fine wine.

In another standout moment, David realizes that he hasn’t slept since moving to Schitt’s Creek and turns to the internet to diagnose himself. He narrows it down to either a heart attack or a pulmonary embolism and tries to convince Stevie to take him to the emergency room. When he learns that there’s no hospital in town, his anxiety only intensifies. Stevie suggests they visit Dr. Ted, the handsome local veterinarian, who also happens to be the town’s doctor. After examining David, Dr. Ted assures him that he’s fine and is just experiencing a panic attack. David laughs off the diagnosis, dismissing panic attacks as something only celebrities and their agents talk about. David’s anxiety and hypochondria are recurring themes throughout the series, making this early glimpse into his struggles particularly intriguing.

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