Moments From Schitt’s Creek That Had Fans Tearing Up

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During its six-season run, Schitt’s Creek provided fans with as many reasons to cry as to laugh. The show followed the Rose family as they lost their fortune and were forced to relocate to the small town of Schitt’s Creek. Over their time there, the family reconnected with each other and discovered a lot about their new neighbors.

David and Patrick’s relationship was the source of some of the show’s most emotional moments, but each family member had their share of heart-wrenching storylines. Moira and Johnny struggled to keep their family on the right track, and Alexis became deeply involved with the lives of the townspeople. As the family got to know locals like Roland, Twyla, and Stevie, they opened up emotionally and created a seemingly endless stream of touching moments.

Roland Schitt wasn’t the kind of person the Rose family would naturally gravitate towards, but his openness and good nature led to an unlikely friendship with Johnny. When the Rosebud Motel chain pitch was shot down by investors, Roland overheard them laughing at the antiquated idea and at Johnny. He stood up for his friend, shaming the investors for their snide behavior. This action spoke to Roland’s faultless moral compass. He may not have been the most sophisticated or refined character on Schitt’s Creek, but he was a wonderful friend.

Before moving to Schitt’s Creek, Alexis was utterly consumed by appearances. Her shallow approach to the world precluded her from forming meaningful relationships with anyone, even her family. After her relationship with Mutt ended, she took a moment to recognize her feelings and asked David for a hug. It’s a small moment, but it represented the personal journey Alexis was embarking on. It also showed that although David and Alexis were constantly bickering, they were always there for each other.

Moira Rose didn’t connect with Schitt’s Creek like the rest of her family did, but the town’s charm still found a way to soften her heart. It’s indicative of her relationship with her daughter that Alexis didn’t expect her to attend her graduation ceremony, but Moira showed up to perform a song with the Jazzagals by her side. This episode showed that Moira and Alexis had begun to connect like never before. It once again underlined the heartwarming ideals of the Jazzagals, who always came together to support one of their own.


Given how far their characters came, it’s strange looking back on season 1 of Schitt’s Creek and remembering that David and Stevie seemed destined to end up together for a while. After the pair realized that they simply weren’t a good romantic fit for one another, they went to a hotel where Stevie erroneously booked the honeymoon package. While they made the most of the misunderstanding, David confessed how deeply he cared about her. Tragically, he realized that he’d never experienced true friendship before this.

Stevie and David’s friendship evolved a lot during their time together in Schitt’s Creek. When Stevie found out that Patrick was going to propose to David, she had monogrammed towels made for the couple. It was a sweet joke between the two friends, as Stevie had been getting David fresh towels at the motel for years. It also showed Stevie’s bittersweet feelings knowing that David was going to be moving out and starting his new life. Stevie didn’t want David to forget their friendship, even if they wouldn’t be spending as much time together.

Initially, David didn’t want to fall in love with Patrick — not because he didn’t have feelings for him but because he was scared of deep emotional relationships. David had a talent for coming up with emotionally devastating quotes in the most offhand manner, and he told Patrick that he had only said the words “I love you” twice: to his parents and once at a Mariah Carey concert. Patrick recalled this when he told David he loved him for the first time, using David’s own language to really drive home the depth of his feeling.

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