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Story of plants

Red Roses: Roots of Romance and the Love Legends Behind Them

A Timeless Symbol of Love: The Enduring Allure of Red Roses Red roses have long been intertwined with romance, captivating hearts with their deep crimson...

Bamboo – The Symbol of Resilience

Bamboo is more than just a plant; it is a powerful symbol of resilience, adaptability, and strength. Revered in many cultures for its robust...

Cherry Blossom of Bliss: The Symbolism

Cherry blossom, known as sakura in Japanese, are not just beautiful spring flowers. They are laden with deep symbolism and cultural significance, resonating through...

The Mythical Powers of the Mandrake

The Mandrake plant, with its rich tapestry of myth and legend woven through centuries of folklore, continues to fascinate and mystify plant enthusiasts and...

Willow Tree in Ancient Beliefs

The Willow tree, with its gracefully drooping branches and a presence that resonates through time, holds a storied place in the folklore and mythology...
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